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  1. From the geoscape, after some time (almost instantly on the fastest speed), the game randomly goes into ground combat against a light scout with "minor damage" and two aliens on the same map each time (alien races vary). I have yet to see an actual UFO on the Geoscape. I spent a few minutes searching on the forums to see if anyone else has posted about this, and I can't seem to find a thread concerning it. Apologies if it has already been highlighted on the forums before. edit: Ok, after searching for answers to another issue i am having, found a thread concerning this. Sorry about that and feel free to ignore this thread. Feeling like a bit of a muppet now (was in debug mode because normal mode would not launch. Problems all solved now).
  2. I saved the game and exited during the middle of a ground battle. Upon reloading the game, the helicopter was above the crash site in question but the option to begin ground battle was not displayed. I ordered the chopper back to base, then immediately ordered it to intercept the crash site again. I entered battle and won. When the geoscape loaded again, it immediately sent me into another battle (no asking whether i wanted to start a battle, it automatically began. I won the second battle, and was once again launched into a third battle. A soldier who had been injured but not killed in the second battle had xx health points and TU and could not move or fire. Everyone else still had full ammo, and all their grenades as if I had not used them. At this point, I used task manager to close the game. I re-loaded the game and tried to replicate the bug, but when I reloaded the game, the crash site no longer existed. The helicopter returned to base as if it never happened, and I did not receive any loot from the battles performed before force-closing the game. I am not sure what caused this bug.
  3. I think it crashed as it tried to repel the fog of war. Will experiment more and report.
  4. One of the original characters had a pistol and grenade as his primary and secondary weapon with a sniper rifle in his bag during battle phase. I moved and equipped the sniper rifle to his primary and his grenade disappeared (the pistol moved to the inventory). I tested it again with the another grenade and same thing happened.
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