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  1. Okay I *think* it's 1.09 - whatever the current auto-updated steam version is right now basically, I got a little confused during the whole reversion/update process. First bug - * I have the alien base upgrade and obviously upon getting this the cosmetic appearance of the workshop/lab/barracks/storeroom changed accordingly to represent the quantum/nanotech stuff. At some point (possibly between updates) upon loading my game back up all background art for the facilities has reverted to the "tier" below (cosmetic change - slightly technologically upgraded, minor things - but not quantum/nanotech level as it should be). My base management screen still displays the correct top-down graphic for these facilities but all of the background art splashes for research/manufacture/troops/stores are now all incorrect - seemingly permanently - a purely cosmetic issue but an annoying one nonetheless, I wanna enjoy the look and feel of my advanced facilities and all that Edit - Screenshots added in here for clarification (hidden to prevent huge post): Notes: * I would have skipped the "tier" below because I acquired base upgrade before the things required for the minor costmetic-only upgrade that happens between the two. * I'm 95% sure I acquired the research for the minor cosmetic upgrade after getting base upgrade, which may have something to do with it. Although I'm pretty sure the "cosmetic downgrade" didn't occur until after re-loading my save file (after a week or so wait). Second bug - Upon completing missions there is missing text like so: I've always put this down to me playing on a low resolution (1024x768 -can't go any higher sadly) - but it has been this way since the earliest release version that I have played so I thought I may as well point it out in case it had been missed? Sorry if it's a repeat. A Steam Thing - No idea if this is just my PC or whatever but when I attempt to launch xenonauts from steam the launcher sometimes refuses to appear despite task manager telling me that xenonauts.exe is in fact running - the way I currently get around this is by killing the process and re-trying until it decides to appear. I don't *think* it's a waiting issue because I've given it a good minute or so before for it to pop up. Sorry if any of these are known issues, I'm not a forum regular or anything, just thought I'd mention these instead of being lazy and waiting for somebody else with the same issue to do it Edit: Oh and - Using WinXP (yeah...) and obviously the Steam version of Xenonauts (stable branch).
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