Just some alternate images to use in place of the bright red ones currently in the alpha. Just unzip and place the ones you want in the assets>uitextures>roles folder.
The game defaults are Assault, Commando, Heavy, Rifleman, Sniper
The attachment includes the following,
A – Assault Rifleman
AC- Aircav
B – Breach Specialist/ Shock Troop
C- Commando
CQS- Close Quarters Specialist
CW – Chemical Weapons
D – Demolitions (Sapper)
G – Gunner (Support Weapons)
Gr - Grenadier
H – Heavy Weapons (Rocketeer)
I - Intelligence
Med – Medic (Field)
M – Mule (Ammo)
P- Pistolier
Psi – Psi
R – Recon (Scout)
S – Sniper (Marksman)
SP - Spotter
SW- Special Weapons
Unfortunately, only the ones already in as defaults are replaced. The others can be selected through one of the unused icons. Clicking that, and naming the new squad role will then give you the list of images to select.