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Found 2 results

  1. I think I'm far enough along with my map to make a thread for it. I can't guarantee I won't run into issues (editor-wise or real-life) and drop it at some point, but there's enough here that I have something to show off at least. Map premise: A mega-corporation has been taken over by the aliens. The players land their chinook in the front parking lot and must fight, or blow up, their way through the various offices and rooms until they reach the alien ship that has landed/crashed in the back of the complex. Album of Images: http://imgur.com/a/3L6LC#2 Now, my first order of business is actually to ask for a little help. I've created a small enclosed garden for my office complex, but the specters for the hedges I'm using are a bit weird. Primarily, the HedgeNWCorner for some reason want to appear in FRONT of every other hedge. I was able to fix it in the editor through some trickery with Layers, but this caused some issues in-game: http://i.imgur.com/KBdym.jpg I monkeyed around in the Specter for it, but didn't fix it, and I'm not entirely sure what half the variables do. It's probably a really easy fix, I'm just not sure what to change. [bONUS] Since I went through the trouble of getting that picture together, let's play a game of Spot The Xenonauts! First person to post the exact number of Xenonauts in that picture gets... well, I'm not quite sure what they get. I'll think of something. Maybe a small personalized corner of the map if this project gets anywhere. The vehicle does not count. [/bONUS]
  2. As I have working with the submap and level editors I have noticed that there are a number of pictures sets that do not have properly made spectres yet (barrels, warehouse doors, etc.). I have been thinking about setting the properties for the spectres on my own for some maps I have working on. Would it be helpful for the design team if I post some of the spectres as I set them up?
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