So I was playing the beta abit, and had the following thought:
Some special pre-built scenarios would actually be pretty cool.
It seems like it would be pretty cool to have this to set up special circumstances to bring across some of the more unique issues you can face in the game, or even get the world fleshed out some more. It could even open up the opportunity for some community made maps.
Against that: It is a departure from how these games function, to the best of my (admittedly not exhaustive) knowledge, none of the x-com games or their spiritual successors have had pre-set scenarios.
And, the most stumbly of stumlbing blocks, dev Resources. I'll admit, I have no idea how the engine works and neither can I claim to be a master coder or mapper, but im sure that developing these would take resources that the team more than likely doesnt have (at the moment at least) - even making the tools available for release would be the same.
In any case, I heartily endorse the endeavours of the dev team