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  1. Is it possible to revert back to a previous Beta Build? I assume the answer is no. I could try to just back up my game files for each build but I think that could end up being overcomplicated due to steam, and could introduce errors, which is not great for beta feedback. I also doubt most players have the technical expertise to do this successfully. It seemed like 19-1 was mostly unplayable, 19-2 was very playable, and 19-3 is mostly unplayable. --------- Would it be possible to start a Poll for each build asking the testers how stable it was, and if found to be mostly unplayable roll back the steam version? --------- I dont know what the future brings or how you do things, but if we ended up with back to back unplayable builds it could be difficult to determine if a bug was fixed in the previous build or introduced in the following build. (Again I dont know your process so maybe this isnt a possibility) Another issue being people may decide to take a break and play another game for awhile, reducing your pool of testers and feedback if the worst case scenario happened and we had several unplayable builds in a row. I think a trend may arise as well where people sit back, read the forums and wait to find out if the newest beta build is stable enough to play before they update. Which leads to the problem of less people testing, and people that wait to determine if is playable based on initial feedback wont be making it as far into the game, and thereby the amount of feedback on end and mid game will be greatly reduced.
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