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Found 3 results

  1. I came back to the game yesterday and had alot of fun playing it, I noticed the bug many people have been discussing about the game momentairily freezing on Alien turns, however this was not of great concern. However upon returning to the game today I seem completely unable to even run the game. Even the main menu is highly unresponsive with the game frequently (according to my Windows task manager) becoming unresponsive, this has developed today and in its current state the game has become completely unplayable. To be clear I launched the game yesterday with no problems, the game launched, there was no problems in the menu and no problems in game (other than the frame skips on alien turns) and now today the game has become completely unresponsive. Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated, I tried to search for a solution but to no avail. Edit: I am able to reach the main menu and occasionally after a bit of patience I can reach the campaign map after loading a game but the game frequently falls unreposnsive (being unresponsive around 95% of the time with the game poping back to life for a brief moment before freezing again).
  2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4Y8_8iooOzeOE4yMFYxT0lvQ0k/edit?usp=sharing I've been getting these white tiles appearing randomly during my games - seemed to start on desert maps, and they got larger and larger - the corvette ufo turned white as well when I used my C4 on it. Restarting the game seems to have fixed the issue, and i neglected to grab screenshots beforehand. This may not be reproducable, sorry.
  3. I do meet the systems requirements for this Xenonauts. However, when I started the game, the main menu flashed with a black screen lasting several seconds. I cannot play the game like this. My system is Windows 7, and I have 2 GB RAM. I also restarted Steam, and it did not solve the problem. I also waited a couple minutes, it didn't work. I ran Xenonauts in a window, and not in a window. Nothing is working! My version is v20 Hotfix. I also uploaded a video on youtube to elaborate. Here's the link: If the video is not working, just use your imagination.
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