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  1. I'm playing Version 1.5, stable 09Dec2014, on Veteran difficulty. Here are a couple of bugs related to Buzzard and Sentinel soldiers 1) On the desert maps with the big multilevel rocks, you can fly your soldier INTO the rock. From within the rock, your soldier can see through the rock wall and be able to spot aliens. Although the soldier inside the rock can see the aliens (red alien icon), he cannot shoot them (0% hit chance). However, the alien is able to shoot the soldier through the rock "wall." (Luckily, your soldier is able to fly out of the rock, unlike the next bug . . . ) 2) The Carrier. I know many people have complained about the hidden Harridans. If you use your flying soldier, you can fly up to the carrier's fourth level and see the ledges that the Harridans use. I don't have a problem with this as it is conceivable for a Harridan to use this as a strong defensive position. Here's the problem: Your flying soldier can fly into the hull wall of the carrier and get stuck inside the hull wall. You end up with the same issues as in (1) - Your soldier can see the aliens in the carrier bridge, but cannot shoot them. However, the bridge aliens can shoot your soldier, who will die because he's stuck in there. (Note: The hull wall is approximately 2 to 3 tiles wide. In order to get stuck in the hull wall, your flying soldier needs to move onto the tiles that are immediately adjacent to the "legitimate" UFO interior tiles.) Phantom Reaper bug: I experienced one instance in which a Reaper became invisible after being shot by reaction fire. I can tell the Reaper is there because there was a shadow on that tile, and the cursor became red when I mouse over that tile. However, my soldiers don't "see" the phantom Reaper and the Reaper itself doesn't move or try to attack adjacent soldiers. There is no Reaper corpse. Firing weapons or grenades on that tile does not kill the Reaper. When I killed all the other aliens, the mission ended successfully, so I'm guessing that the Reaper was killed by the reaction fire before becoming a ghost. Sorry for the lengthy post, and hopefully these are not re-posted bugs. I'll check my saved games and see if I provide some screen shots. Also - Sorry for incorrect title format. I tried to fix it in advanced edit, but the edited title doesn't show on the sub-forum page.
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