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Posts posted by Vindhjaerta

  1. The shield provides a chance of blocking a shot, just like any other cover, it's possible that a shot will get past. There's also the option to blast the doors down with rockets or C4, then shoot the sebs down from a distance. Also, if a mission is too difficult then you can just retreat, that's a choice between losing x soldiers to finish or giving up and keeping your units intact.

    Also, I suggest you ask questions before blaming the devs for bad design when you're having difficulty with a portion of the game. Rants are fine, but be mature enough to take responsibility for your own failures, please.

    I have now tried a few more strategies and it seems that rocket launchers is a must in any future missions. I was simply not prepared enough for this particular situation.

    I still think the Sebillians are way overpowered though. And yes, it -is- the devs fault. They made the game after all, right? Not only are Sebillians insanely strong in the early to mid game (see previously listed points, especially the smoke immunity), they also have the company of Reapers. Place one soldier too close to a corner, just one little square, and the soldier might be gone next turn. I wonder why the devs thought that particular combo was a bright idea.

    I've now become so extremely paranoid on Sebillian maps that I bring extra rockets with me and completely level any tight spaces that I even suspect a Reaper might hide in.

    I must add though that these problems mostly show up during month 2-3, when you focus on air supremacy in your first two radar covered areas and simply do not have the economy to upgrade your troops (Wolf armor helps a lot, same with High TU-soldiers equipped with laser shotguns). After this period have passed and I have fully equipped soldiers (and the strength/TU:s to use them) things go slightly better.

    And to be honest, I do find the challenge immensly fun. As long as there is a solution for every problem (it just took me a while to figure out the rocket launcher solution, which made me a bit frustrated since before that I couldn't see how it was possible to beat the Sebillian choke point without smoke)

  2. This has happened on several occasions:

    I attack a medium ship with 2 escort fighters.

    I slow down my Foxtrot and deactivate it's missiles, so it won't fire them at the fighters.

    I accelerate my Condors/Corsairs and swiftly kill the fighters.

    After the fighters are downed, I activate the missiles on my Foxtrot. It is now slightly within range of the enemy ufo.

    Nothing happens.

    I steer away my Foxtrot a bit, then realign it into the firing arc.

    Nothing happens.

    I chase the ufo (that in turn chases my Condors/Corsairs) and continuously keep it within the firing arc.

    Nothing happens.

    Why can my Foxtrot only fire its missiles if I fly it straight at the enemy ufo? Why can't I deactivate them and fire them later?

  3. Stun gas?

    How am I supposed to toss a stun grenade at them if I don't have enough TU:s when I reach the doors? If I run up and open them with one guy, then let another further behind toss the grenade, the soldier who ran up will get shot down. There simply is no effective way of getting in there :/

    Oh, and Sebillians are resistant to stun too it seems. Apparently they needed it.... -.-

    I did manage to get in there and kill them eventually though, after like 8 more reloads or so and 4 dead guys :/

    Also, does anyone know why enemies can shoot past my shield guy as if he is not there at all? :/ I put him in front, standing up, and another guy behind. The guy behind gets shot down with 1 shot... Isn't the shield supposed to protect?

  4. Ok, seriously.... what the hell was the devs thinking?

    I'm trying to assault a landed corvette full of Sebillians right now. I have Wolf Armor and laser weapons, which considering it's my 4th or so corvette should be what I'm supposed to have at this point in the game (so not behind in the weapons department as far as I know).

    If I walk in with 1-2 guys with shields, all 3 doors open and 4-5 Sebillians burst fire me (followed by a normal shot) and my guys get seriously injured or killed immediately. I get close with with one guy every other try or so, but then he's suddenly isolated against several Sebillians... and naturally dies the turn after.

    If I try to rush all the way up to the doors with all my guys in an attempt to rush them and focus fire, they open the doors and throw a grenade, killing 80% of my guys. I never have enough TU:s to get all the way from the entrance to the 3 doors and still have AP left to kill stuff (and take cover afterwards). Bunching several guys together is a guaranteed grenade, so that tactic is definitely not possible.

    I can't lure them out by say, baiting with a shield guy, since the sebs ai makes them camp and hit&run.

    If I throw smoke grenades though, It is possible to get some cover up to the doors and then blitz them..... OH WAIT... that doesn't work either :mad:

    Seriously devs, how could you give one single enemy the most hp, regen, sneaky ai and immunity to smoke? It's like you hate tactics or something -.- The one single item that can be used to compensate for a bad tactical situation does not work against the strongest enemy in the game....

    I'd really like to know what I'm supposed to do in this situation. The research says that Sebillians are strong in close quarters, but weak at range... but in a UFO (which you will face full of Sebillians at many points in the game) their only weakness is nullified. And again, smoke doesn't work against them.

    I'm thinking of reloading the game and equip myself with some rocket launchers. Will they work against the 3 doors? That's the only tactic I can think of right now, but I have no idea if it will work. If it doesn't, I really don't know how I could possibly get up to those doors without loosing my whole squad.

    Devs, do something about the Sebillians, they are waaaay overpowered right now.

  5. After further testing I can confirm that the missing soldiers did show up in the barracks ("wounded for 4 days"), but did -not- show up in the Soldier Equip-screen. I put the game on super speed just to get the 4 days going, and voila; After 4 days the wounded soldiers returned to the Solder Equip-screen (health at around 50%) with the missing armor.

    Now that I know that they simply recuperate in the barracks I think that part is fine (Maybe some text in the UI to clarify this would be very helpful for beginners), but the fact that the equipment they had on them is not possible to give to someone else in the meantime is a bit annoying, and something I consider a bug. I only produce 8 armors and switch them between the soldiers when they get wounded, so this bug prevents me using them all the time.

  6. Got two soldiers really injured in a mission, one under 5% health left and another at 20%. Both had medikits on them and were stabilized. Mission score screen said they were injured (not dead).

    When I returned to base they were gone, along with my newly produced armors :/

    This bug has happened on several occasions now the last few days. It's really annoying since I often have to replay the entire ground mission just to avoid having my soldiers getting injured at all :/

    I really hope the developers prioritize this bug, it's -really- annoying and definitely game breaking.

    It's one thing if the game crash now and then, all you have to do is reload and then continue. But if the game sneaks in things like this and you spend several hours irl playing before you discover it, it's very disheartening and frustrating.

  7. I've kept myself from playing this game during alpha/beta so that I could enjoy it to its fullest when it was finally released. Therefore I'm not familiar with the strategies that I'm sure the rest of you consider obvious by now.

    I'm on Veteran difficulty in the middle of month two right now, with two bases. The problem is that I have almost 0 cash, an income around just a few hundred thousands (too much upkeep) :( And except for the countries around my starting base they're all "bad" or "poor", and I think I will lose one country next month (or the month after), since it's predicted funding loss almost equals the current funding (I don't know how this works yet).

    I'm doing alright in the science department though, I have two labs and the Corvettes I'm facing are not overly difficult.)

    My thinking was that I wanted a second airbase as early as possible to start prevent funding loss. It was supposed to just have a couple of airplanes and shoot down ufos for a couple of months (that I could then airstrike), but it ended up with 4 hangars (3 planes and 1 dropship), 1 engineering plus the bare minimum for 8 soldiers. I'm thinking maybe that's the mistake I made? Without the extra base I'm pretty sure more countries would be in danger of being lost though, I've shot down every single ufo I've seen except two and the funding is predicted to rise around the new base. So it seems like the right way to go, but maybe my timing was bad? For without a second base soon, the funding will only drop since you cannot see (and therefore shoot down) ufos on the other continents. I'm okay with losing a country, even two, but more than that is too close to the limit of 4.

    With my limited experience in this game (on this difficulty) it seems that the funding loss goes too quickly to catch up with on only one base, but at the same time it seems that a second base at month two is too much (but then again, how can you afford a second base later, if the funding has dropped even more?)

    I'll try another month on this save and see if I can salvage it, but after that I'll start a new game and try something else.

    Do you guys have some sort of general landmarks when you build certain things, i.e a "build"?

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