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Posts posted by kozferatu

  1. Thanks for considering a sequel/expansion/improvement as an option and asking for feedback/opinions from the players! I'm mostly happy with the way you made the game but if you were to ask for my 'wish list', the four most wanted features would be:

    #1 - Playable alien side (also allowing 2 for player campaign of alien vs Xenonauts). I really liked where UFO: The Two Sides was going in this regard and had a few fun games sneakily infiltrating countries, conducting terror missions etc and generally trying to stay in the shadows and wreak havoc, slowly preparing for all-out invasion.

    I think there needs to be a greater emphasis on alien infiltration and subversion of civil government and infrastructure, particularly in the earlier stages of the game. I would like to see governments that fall to the aliens be involved in the fight against the Xenonauts, human troops possibly augmented with alien tech and weaponry. As well as a Xenonauts version of the Cult of Sirius, perhaps.

    And this would mean...

    #2 - Expanded political mechanics (for both sides) where not only do you need to keep various states/factions happy in order for funding, but also keep them free of infiltration and alien influence. Again, with a nod to Xcom Apocalypse and where they intended, but did not end up going, I like I idea of surveillance missions on leaders suspected to have been compromised, assassination missions, perhaps some sort of mechanics for replacing world leaders through coups etc (with dire consequences for getting it wrong) - maybe some sort of traits for leaders...

    #3 - Air crew experience Have air crew as separate Xenonaut type with own barracks, who also gain experience for aircraft combat etc. Rescue missions to retrieve downed crew.

    #4 - Strategic aircraft types and missions - reconnaissance flights to try and locate bases, AWACS to give radar coverage in areas otherwise 'dark', logistic and transport flights.

    I think the tactical element to the game is fine so I would rather see a greater depth in the strategic element overall.

  2. If so, please can you try some different resolutions out? Different aspect ratios and both small and big ones (play in a window). It might be something to do with the loading screen not displaying correctly on larger screens.

    I did as suggested and deleted local files and reinstalled.

    I'm not quite sure if the version is 20SC2 or V20S (it just says V20 Stable 20/12/2013 on launcher).

    I still have the exact same CTD at load of ground combat at 1920x1080 resolution. Exceptionally slow loading time, at about 90% the ground combat music starts, then when reaches 100% CTD.

    I've tried a couple of different resolutions and at 1600x900 windowed, no CTD and the loading time for ground combat is pretty much what it was in previous builds.

  3. Maybe it's related to a 20.8 game being loaded in 20.8 hotfix?

    I also have had the freeze (v20.8.1) in geoscape - not sure if it was at a wave spawn point or not.

    However, also had a freeze in ground combat in v20.8.2 - fresh game - where the alien turn never finishes being processed.

  4. Not only does radio chatter need to have a wide variety of voices but you can hire soldiers from many different nations who should really have different accents.

    Well, one simple workaround, is have all the radio chatter in Esperanto! What could be more globally inclusive than the international language? :D

  5. Could not enter the supermarket-type building in the standard terror map at very top of map. The front (and only) door had been shot out in previous exchange, so am wondering if that's what caused the problem?

    As a side note, not sure if this is a bug or not, windows now appear to block 100% of a shot - for at least the first shot anyway. Pretty sure that prior builds you could shoot at the target behind a non-broken window without the shot being blocked.

    Also, were you able to enter buildings through broken windows in previous builds or am I having an early-onset Alzheimer's moment?

  6. Apologies if this has been suggested earlier (had a quick search but couldn't find any reference to it) but it might be useful is when a message popped up in geoscape, the time factor thingie would automatically revert to slowest after clicking out - irrespective of accepting or cancelling whatever.

    Case in point, the message that ground forces have shot down a UFO. You only have choice of 'deploy team' or 'cancel'. If your team is in need of reorganisation and you hit 'cancel', time reverts to whatever it was prior to the alert.

    It's only an annoyance, but I've missed some opportunities because not quick enough to slow down time afterwards.

  7. Alien use of grenades certainly changes gameplay and some old tactics no longer (safely) apply. First mission in new build and lose 5 troopers to grenades while trying to storm UFO! Sebillian crew would run out, throw grenade, run back into UFO.

    One thing though, it did appear that they had quite a few grenades - pretty sure they threw around 4 or 5...

    Edit 1: Actually, on replay it appears as if the grenades are being thrown from inside the UFO.

    Edit 2: Yep, definitely grenades being thrown through UFO walls. Also aliens shooting but shots not going through.

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