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Posts posted by canshow

  1. I get a slight accuracy bonus to my next attack whenever I reload a save game with a soldier selected. (If I cycle through attack choices or select anything else the bonus is removed). Is this a built in feature?

    Edit: Seems like this bonus is only there for the first couple seconds after loading then it goes away.

    Also one of my soldiers got stuck in the middle of some stairs on an industrial map. (could not move out)

  2. Thanks guys!

    Let me check this Saved game. Please put me here your level of difficulty

    Difficulty with that saved game is easy. (everybody reading this, DONT JUDGE, lol)

    also TD since you wanted more saves











    5 is saved in geopolitical view before I sent dropship to start battle. All other saves are part of the same battle. I hope they are all not corrupt as well, dont want you to waste your time.

    battle 5.sav

    battke 8.sav

    battle two.sav

    battle 4.sav


    battle 6.sav

    nattle 7.sav

    battle 3.sav



    battle 5.sav

    battke 8.sav

    battle two.sav

    battle 4.sav


    battle 6.sav

    nattle 7.sav

    battle 3.sav



  3. Still haven't gotten that landingship fix pm from you.

    I'm also experiencing a couple crashes here and there in-battle. One was by stepping through a collapsed building, but that was not reproducible. The only one that was was with an alien leader. Game crashes when i send a guy in front of his field of vision??

    Here is the save[ATTACH]4685[/ATTACH]

    V 1.06

    Not sure if it comes from my game, vanilla, or your mod.

    EDIT: Having read Mr. Manga's post, I think I might be in the same boat, except that I have not seen a Casaen leader fire (presumably because game crashes once it tries to run that equation?)

    As always, exe is correct, and so are the game files. I have not had steam or any other 3rd party mess with my game files since 1.06

    battle 5.sav

    battle 5.sav

  4. Yes, I send you a PM. This is about the temporal memory of the game have register that dissembling to Crusier Datacore. With the hotfix the entry change to the real one "Landing Core". Unfortunally the engine dont update the entries and the game crash trying to find the "Crusier datacore" .... the solution is annoying.... believe me if I could I change this completly.... You cant use Landing dissembling any more. I will send you a fixer in the PM for this one.

    Ok thanks.

    I just looked at my inbox and saw 2 PMs from you from last week. Sorry for not seeing those lol.

  5. Oh god ... this what you get from giving aliens "wings".Can you upload save file ?Someone will check it tomorrow or tonight (I know that I am not going to because I am barely awake).

    Sorry, I didn't make a save that would be a turn before that bug happened. TBH, I made over 25 saves and I have already spent 1 turn through them all to check if the bug would insta appear.

    I will upload two files, one that is at the beginning of the battle (autosave), and one that is a little through it (base d 7). The game would get stuck when one of them would appear at the last tile of my visual range, but only rarely and this has happened maybe 4 times through the course of the scenario. Anyways, there is a caesan trapped in a room to the bottom right, in the later save. He is one that would bug out if I made a certain move (i think back to one of my dead bodies?) with one of my two marines guarding the hall to him. In a later save he would also shoot through a cracked wall. That's about it though, I can't give anymore details unless you want to tediously go through all of my saves.



    As a sidenote, these are the only aliens that gave me this problem in this scenario.


    base d 7.sav


    base d 7.sav

  6. Thank you soo much for reporting!

    This build has implemented a "feature" for some Vipers, they can climb and jump.

    Can you send me the saved game for this one?

    Edit: Did you replace the .exe file? Which version of Xenonauts are you using? can you check if you apply the XNT well?

    1.06. Exe was replaced and all the folders were extracted in the correct places, same with that fire in the hole mod, the music pack, and the farm map pack.


    Assuming it works for you, keep the tank alive and wait a few turns. The 'viper' i guess comes from the right of the dropship, 2nd floor, if i recall correctly.



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