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Posts posted by SkyScraper

  1. why not make it a 2 stage thing, set up the radio, then make the call, alternatively, you could have gunship support, as most helicopters of the day fired saclos missiles (wire guided los stuff) which had a range out to 3-5 kilometers, so one could be on station off map and deliver one highly accurate and small blast missiles, or a barrage of 3-4 low damage rockets that rip up cover and suppress enemies, alternatively if it is aircraft and this is the early 70s, air support would likely be A-4 skyhawks and Su-17s, both of which had regular 20 and 30mm cannons (so strafing) and mounted rockets and bombs, but russians fired alot of little 57mm rockets where the us used pods of 4 127mm rockets (4 pods to a plane usually) still, i know this sounds like alot of ordinance, but maybe make a radio operator cost as much to teleport as 3 normal soldiers (bulky heavy radio) and give the air support only 2 rocket runs and 2 gun runs, all of which completely destroy equipment, also have an accuracy roughly the size of a medium building, but benefit from massive suppression, even if they don't hit or do a lot of damage

  2. 8. To reduce problem 5, you could have bio-resources in the form of alien symbiotic parasites. These would enhance the soldiers in bizarre ways, but wouldn't be reproducible. They could stick with the soldier until death, reasoning being that they can't be removed without killing the soldier. This might make problem 3 worse, though.

    you have been playing a bit too much metal gear havent you :P

  3. While I like the idea of air support (after all, I am the one who suggested it. At least here), I have to agree with Chris that it might be bit overpowered. The idea of it being a more utility instead of weapon is nice though.

    Like maybe it could scout the area. Lets you see the whole map. Not like have vision of the whole map, but just let you know where all the buildings (and ufo if the map involves one) are (kind like how if soldier sees a wall, and then you move him away, it still shows the wall).

    Maybe have flares airdropped, so they are randomly placed around the map during night missions.

    Perhaps replace airstrikes with needing to actually fly your own planes over there to bomb them (with a separate option that gives less rewards in case all of your planes are unavailable).

    The big question if you allow any sort of air-ground interaction is risk-reward balancing I'd think. If you did allow CAS, how what would balance it? You don't get any valuable little trinkets from aliens in the effected area, sure, but that'd be true of high explosive you could carry on your soldiers as well. Planes used in such a case would need to refuel and rearm, but will there be so many UFOs that a few hours will be a huge problem? As cool as it sounds and s much as I want it, it seems to hard to balance. Unless aliens get AAA, which opens up whole new sets of problems.

    Ooh, new thought I just had (only partially related to above paragraph):

    Maybe calling in CAS while on the ground (if it was allowed) would require using a radio piece of equipment. The radio would act like a weapon, but you would have to wait a few turns before it hit. It would also require that at least one soldier had seen the general are you were aiming at, so no leveling a map before even going anywhere. Most dangerous in my mind would be accuracy: if a soldier is inexperienced, inaccurate, or unfamiliar (depending on what does and doesn't alter accuracy), the target of the CAS could vary quite a bit. Not something you want any soldiers near unless things are desperate.

    id like this idea, to add a bit more refinement, why not make the radio take up all of the backpack slots, radios like that werent small back in the day, so you have to choose between a soldier only having belt equipment and the ability to call in airstrikes, or being able to stuff their backpack with goodies like they normally would

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