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Posts posted by PurpleXVI

  1. On the subject of psionic aliens, I think the least frustrating approach would be to do away with "save or die"-powers, i.e. nothing that from one round to the other just randomly kills one of the player's soldiers. That means no instant mind control, no instant berserking. Instead, powers like that should slowly build up over time, and the player should have it be obvious that a soldier is being influenced. So if, for instance, the soldier with the rocket launcher is showing signs of being influenced(losing action points, starting to panic), the squad medic could shoot him up with something calming(which might worsen his AP's or accuracy, for instance) or simply just sedate him(which takes him out of action for a few rounds, or maybe even the rest of the mission, but means he won't suddenly hit the rest of the squad in the back of the head with a high-explosive rocket.

    The player gets the choice of taking a measured risk(can I take out the alien controller before he manages to take control of my soldier?) versus taking a temporary loss(one soldier out of the running, but it buys me a few rounds where the alien psionic has to start influencing a new one of my men, and the "lost" soldier will be back after the mission).

    Giving alien psionic powers a limited range would also help, so you're not under psionic assault from the moment you deploy from the dropship(perhaps boosted by "nodes," i.e. the alien psionic can sit back at the center of the UFO and can either reach soldiers within his own personal range, or within the range of a "node," either a deployed device or certain aliens that amplify his psionic powers. Either of which can, of course, be blown up or stunned by the Xenonauts).

  2. I... THINK that's intended, that units are suppressed by a large enough volume of shots impacting near them or flying past them. I just think that the game doesn't differentiate whether they're on the other side of a barrier or what. Though to be fair, if I heard a volley of a couple dozen shots passing by outside the window, I'd probably also keep my head low, which for all intents and purposes is the idea of suppression, that you're convinced that popping your head out would be a really bad idea.

    I don't think you'd care if the shots were technically from a friendly machinegun or not, as long as it seemed likely they'd take your head off.

  3. If the window has no stopping chance because of the glass breaking thing then the roof of the chinook would have to be invisible to line of fire for that shot to work.

    Roofs and height in general seem to be pretty wonky with regards to LoS/clear lines of fire. I often seem to find that I can hit enemies on rooftops with clear shots even though I should only see a tiny bit of their heads over the edge of the roof, and conversely that soldiers on top of buildings can't throw grenades for beans nor hit jack down below.

  4. Something that'd be neat as heck is if the mind control wasnt just "YOU'RE CONTROLLED/YOU'RE NOT!", but some degree of inflicted mind control that stacked if resisted the first time. It'd be evident by decreased LoS as the character becomes less able to focus, or messages regarding the character in question experiencing some serious confusion/mental effects.

    How about instead of having separate powers for "unnerved, hallucinating, mind controlled, etc." let it be a progressing tree of effects. First a soldier gets unnerved(more likely to break, panic, etc.), then he starts hallucinating(may duck back into cover, panic or take a random shot at a piece of terrain each turn) and finally he goes into total Alien Control. This way, if a particularly low-Bravery soldier is rapidly getting pounded in the head with psi powers, you could stun prod him and stash him around a corner, or leave him somewhere he's very unlikely to blow up the rest of your soldiers, maybe disarm him or something.

    Then you have to choose whether to risk your machinegunner maybe opening fire on a friend or random terrain, or sending him back/stunning him and continuing into the alien base with one man less on board.

  5. This bug either only affects Hyperion tanks, or it affects all tanks and was introduced with 1.06, I did not try Hyperion tanks in an older version, and I did not try other tanks in 1.06.

    The bug is as follows: Hyperion tanks refuse to attack unless moved/turned first. They cannot attack at the start of a turn, or twice in a row, they must either first move, or turn, no matter how small the movement or turning, then they can make one attack, and they must move/turn again before they can make another.

    Hyperion tanks also "phase" through a lot of obstructions that other tanks would simply run over, it looks kind of odd as the phased-through obstructions intersect the tank at times...

  6. I've had a very strange encounter with Heavy Drones today. First they completely refused to engage my soldiers at all, largely just wandering away when seeing them. Then, when one of them finally started to act a bit belligerent, it kept going out of line of sight to shoot at something invisible(producing a clang clang clang sound effect), before finally exploding without any acts on my part.

    As far as I can tell, it must have been trying to attack my Xenonauts, yet somehow hit itself instead? I literally cannot think of any other explanation.

  7. I've noticed a couple of times that when two air intercepts happen at the same time, and I ask the game to autoresolve one, it autoresolves both and one of them(the one I didn't ask it to autoresolve), despite the odds being 100% for both, results in a total failure(all craft involved reduced to 0% health, UFO goes on its merry way). Yet the DISPLAY is always for the lost mission, listing both all craft with 0% health and "victory," despite it not being so.

    Not really a crippling bug, but kind of annoying and probably pretty nasty on the higher difficulties.

  8. You just got lucky. A soldier that has been killed but has more than -20 HP has a chance to survive the mission. Medkits are not intended to have an effect on corpses.

    It's just pretty strange that it's worked in BOTH of those cases, and no others aside from that one first time. I think we may be looking at some sort of hidden or undocumented feature, here. I'm not personally looking forward to throwing more Xenonaut lives into peril, so I don't suppose we could ask people to try it out and see what happens for them?

  9. So, pretty much out of desperation, after a much-beloved squadmate got dropped and I didn't want to just savescum her back to life or something, I had one of my other Xenonauts pump her fallen form full of medical kit uses repeatedly, a couple of times every remaining turn of the mission.

    Much to my surprise, and relief, afterwards said squadmate was actually listed as not dead! Grievously injured, but somehow alive. Since then, it's turned out that it wasn't just a coincidence, but an actual mechanic, as it's worked another time.

    But what are the actual mechanics involved? Does it just take one medikit zap to "preserve" a corpse for revival back at Xenonauts HQ? Does death drop them to 1 HP and leave them bleeding, meaning they need to be healed for at least 5HP every turn to avoid death? I've had a "dead" squadmate somehow not die one other time, on my very first mission, without my having healed them at all, so obviously there are other events that can trigger it, too.

    Perhaps because I completed the mission on the same turn they got dropped, meaning they still had that 1HP left when the mission ended?

    I'm just kind of wondering exactly how it works.

  10. Try finding it in this folder


    Hugely appreciated!

    The changing base screens is one of those little details that made me fall in love with Xenonauts, just one of those touches that showed that the people working on the game really cared and wanted to dot the I's, rather than just doing the minimum necessary amount of work.

  11. There's lot of cool detail to the base background screens, but a lot of the time they're obscured by big chunks of interface(not that I mind that so much, the interface is useful). So I wonder, is the background art for the base screens stored anywhere, or uploaded anywhere, minus interruptions?

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