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Posts posted by Pericles

  1. 1. More music: Gamers will log hundreds of hours playing the game. The number of tracks should be doubled at least. The music is great now but it wears off after 50+ playthroughs.

    2. LoS / corner shooting and visibility problems

    3. Alien morale / panic

    Allowing miss shots to pass through the target tile would be a bonus I guess.

  2. I agree with Safe Keeper... shotguns are highly effective. My most decorated veterans were shotgun-wielding assaulters. Lethal at close range, e.g. when clearing UFOs.

    Personally, I find the main "problem" with sniper rifles is that the maps simply aren't big enough for me to need them; machine guns and other medium-range weapons can hit aliens just fine, and

    I find shotguns tremendously useful at close range, and I try not to spam grenades because they destroy bodies and equipment I need for money and research. That, and nadespam just doesn't work as a strategy for me because, as you've discovered, it makes everything way too easy.

    Shields, never used them. Mostly because I think of them more as a police/riot control asset and it always felt silly to me to bring them to an alien invasion battlefield.

    Agree with you that you could be offered slightly more info at the beginning of UFO recovery missions, but then again I like the suspense of moving into "total darkness", not knowing what lies around the next corner. I do miss an in-game "mega map" like in the original games, though, or at the very least the ability to zoom out quite a bit more than I can right now.

    As for grenades, the obvious problem with doing too much to nerf them is that you risk that all of a sudden they're not "fun" to use anymore. Don't know quite how to balance them myself, to be honest I think it's up to the players, whether they want to succeed through "nadespam" or force themselves to use more diverse tactics and weapons.

  3. About five months in to my Xenonaut campaign my field personnel encountered two decimations in succession - one during a medium crash site recovery and the other during a medium UFO landing.

    At this point I had two operational bases with two teams, each with a core group of 4-6 soldiers that had been fighting together since the beginning. Each team had a Captain, the primary team at the Canadian base being led by an 18+ kill assault specialist equipped with wolf armour and a shotgun by the name of Cpt. Michael Blom. The secondary team at the European base was led by Cpt. Jeff Doakes, a rifleman equipped with wolf armour and a laser rifle. Cpt. Doakes was considerably less effective than Blom, with only 3 kills over 8+ missions and half the endurance. However, his promotion to Captain following a 2-kill mission and his promising bravery earned the trust of his comrades.

    The medium UFO crash landing was the first in this succession of morale-draining missions. The crash site being located in Eastern Europe, Cpt. Doakes was sent with a team of 4 riflemen, 1 low-rank assaulter armed with a shotgun, and a Hunter equipped with a machine gun turret. Landing at night, the mission began with the deployment of the Hunter, headlights cutting through the darkness. Flares were tossed by higher ranking soldiers - including Cpt. Doakes - and the 3 Privates and single Colonel rushed in tandem in opposite directions. A Lieutenant followed and the group of 5 split into 2 groups, one team of 3 taking a defensive position behind a hedgerow and the other group - consisting of the assault Pvt. and the Col. - moving to room-clear a farmhouse.

    The Hunter roamed the rural environment, an armoured unmanned scout, guided by Cpt. Doakes in search of surviving hostiles. 5 minutes into the mission, turning the hedgerow with few time units remaining, the Hunter illuminated a group of 3 Sebillians, hunkered directly opposite the 3-man team that had taken up a defensive position, awaiting the Hunter's resolution of the battlefield. The Hunter was instructed to turn and flee immediately but could not make it outside of the Sebillians' field of view. The private nearest the alien trio moved into position and fired a snapshot, striking the foremost Sebillian but not causing death. Plasmic reaction fire struck the unarmoured Private in the chest, melting his rib cage and lungs. A gurgling scream reverberated in the cold fall air.

    The Hunter took steady fire from the Sebillians in subsequent turns until the unthinkable happened: it was destroyed. This was the team's first experience with the destruction of a Hunter, an asset Cpt. Doakes had grown reliant upon for scouting, suppression, and kills. Left with 4 troops at his disposal, with but one Sebellian killed, Cpt. Doakes decided to press onwards rather than retreat. Emerging from the ramp of the Chinook, Cpt. Doakes engaged the Sebillians at distance with his laser rifle. The creatures had maneuvered around the hedgerow and were facing the remaining Privates head-on. The Captain's shots were off target, and the Privates quickly fell to fire originating from an as yet unexplored area of the map.

    Scrambling his remaining troops back from the uneventful farmhouse clearance, Cpt. Doakes fired frantically at the remaining Sebillian, all the while attempting to find cover from the unidentified combatant in the distance. Struck by well-placed fire from the unidentified foe, Cpt. Doakes took a knee behind a haystack, attempting to regain composure and accurate fire on the Sebillian. However, the Sebillian struck first, the plasma cutting through Doakes' wolf armour and leaving him in a tangled lifeless heap.

    At this poiint, the shotgun-wielding assaulter lost his mind, firing aimless shots in frustration and neurosis. The remaining solider - a Colonel armed with a rifle - maneuvered around the farmhouse to take up position on the unidentified alien which had directly and indirectly contributed to the annihilation of fire team 1 and Cpt. Doakes. Tossing a flare into the night, a slender metallic figure, with antennae and multiple red eyes emerged: a Harridan. This was a first encounter. The Harridan turned its attention on the Colonel after receiving fire. The Col. - frozen in fear by the metallic insectoid that stood before him - was killed with pinpoint fire. The berserking assaulter was put out of his misery by the remaining Sebillian. An entire team wiped out.

    The story of Cpt. Blom, who was transferred to the Euro base following the death of Cpt. Doakes will follow in the next few days.

    Morals of the story:

    -Be careful with your Hunters - losing one is a serious compromise

    -If you sense that a high-ranking officer doesn't have what it takes to lead without other high-ranking officers present, trust your instincts

    -Xenonauts a well-tuned, aesthetically impressive spiritual successor to the best video game that was ever made

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