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Posts posted by Skybirduk

  1. I played the basic game last year, and the first mod I'll apply on an OpenXcom game is the no psionics alteration.

    Before I had it, it was a real pain when fighting Sectoids, but once I learnt that ability, I set up training centres to discover Psi super-soldiers. After it, became far too easy to win the battles.

  2. Nothing is brighter than the fire that burns within our 'Special Inquisitors' who no one expects, as they deploy that most horrible of devices:



  3. As Commissar Pancakes is referring to people as posters, this would suggest that he is suffering from some kind of:


    If this is the case then everyone in this thread may be tainted with the touch of chaos and disease, from the Dread Carrier of Illness.

    I would recommend nuking this thread from orbit, as it's the only way to be sure.

  4. In an hour of darkness a blind man is the best guide

    I think I'll use a torch...

    In an age of insanity look to a madman to show the way

    Unfortunately, we have them in sane times as well. They are called politicians...

    Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life.

    What if he's a brain sucking zombie?

  5. It's irritating to have a soldier survive by the skin of his teeth, then immediately die due to wounds before you can do anything.

    If a situation like that happened to a soldier, it would be nice if you could revive and treat him, if you can get to him before the player turn ends. The wounded soldier should be critical but stable, and out of combat for the remainder of the battle.

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