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Posts posted by Mercent

  1. Soldier history and memorial system would be so nice if it is implemented to commenorate the sacrifices of Xenonauts. It would definately make the game more immersive and to remind us that a single misclick spells doom. I couldn't remember even 1 name out of the many Colonels i have lost and it would be nice to have a way to immortalize the dead.

  2. I think i have mentioned my traumatic experience somewhere before but i will repeat here since i learnt a lot from it.

    I fought off the initial assult of about 6 Sebillians and 2 Reapers in the industrial complex area and I thought i was safe.

    So i move my men towards the UFO, using up all their time units. Then out of nowhere, i heard the hatching noises of reapers and 2 of those monsters emerged from the shadows, taking 3 men with them.

    Wanting to saved the zombified men, i decided to gas the reapers but non of them goes down. By the next turn, 3 more men went down and i decided to abort mission without running my guys back to the Shrike. The entire team consisting of 2 colonels and quite a few high leveled guys is lost.

    Lesson learnt:

    - If you see Sebilians, there is bound to be reapers.

    - Always have a guy in sentinel on the look out for reapers.

    - Fear the shadows. Always check the shadows if there are reapers in the mission.

    - When you think you are safe, you are not.

    - Tank is reaper's nemesis

  3. Personally I have no issue with the Valkyrie.

    Once you have the Sentinel, spotting the enemy first before their turn and taking them out is not a problem. Since Valkyrie can allow for so much troops, i dont have to agonize over whether to take a tank or not. Thanks to the increase in the carry capacity, i can usually take the initiative.

    As for the problem of no cover, your tank solves the issue. Also have a few shield bearers helps too. But these movable covers for the rookies only since the experienced troops usually have enough TUs to move to a advantageous positions.

    So to summarize how to use Valkryrie effectively:

    - Have at least one person in Sentinel so he can act as spotter on your first turn, flying him up into the air.

    - Have a tank and at least 2 guys with shields.

    To be honset, i am happy with the Valkryrie as it is. In fact, having no cover is an advantage. The cover does not block your guys from shooting the enemy in your first turn; when I was using the other dropshops, i have move my guys out into the open first before shooting the enemy, wasting TUs.

    So please do not have any cover for the Valkryie or if the general opinion is for it to be added, the cover should be as unobstructive as possible so the squad dont have to waste TUs getting out of it.

  4. Hi Christ, thanks for dropping by. The duplication occured early in the game but currently in the mid game, much less duplication is observed. Also, i got that huge number of duplications when i hired about 4 guys in a row in order to test out if the rng is working since i noticed that there are quite a few duplicates. Also, i was selective in hiring, avoiding guys with low strength.

    Hope this helps.

  5. Maybe some kind of chemical that effects the human brain which has to be regularly taken during combat. Makes you resistant to Psi effects but negatively effects accuracy and TU's. Perhaps something as simple as alcohol. Could you imagine the Xenonauts going into battle swilling vodka and having to remember to take a drink after so many turns?


    Ha! You must be thinking of Stalker!

  6. I encountered exactly the same senario today (Not exactly the same, unfortunately i have less androns to face). I sent one shield bearer up a teleporter and he fell to overwhelming reaction fire. So i figured that most of the androns are facing this teleport and not the other one. So i send another shield bearer up the other teleporter and wahla, only 2 androns are facing her and she managed to survive. So she toss a grenade and took out one andron before i send her back down. Then i send my predator clad plasma thrower guy up and killed the other andron. Then it is a matter of teleporting up, firing, teleporting down, reload if necessary, end turn.

    Surprising, despite the mayhem, the other androns are still facing the first teleporter where my shield bearer met his end! Apparently they must be thinking, 'Unit 1 & Unit 2 out of order. *Turn around to look*. No enemy detected. Unit 1 & 2 malfunctioned. *Turn back towards teleport*'

    So afterwards, it is just a shooting gallery. My plasma thrower predator took out the last 5 of them without a sweat.

  7. Hi Christ and team, first of all, thank you all for your effort. Xenonauts is a game that i have been waiting for a long while and i am certain that it will become a classic.

    The problem: i believe that the stats of the new recruits are randomized within a range. However, i have got a selection of 4 recruits with exactly the same stats and another 4 with another set of identical stats. I am wondering if this is intended or the rng is not functioning very well? Of course, it is not a big issue but it would be great if new recruits' stats could be truely randomized.




    p.s. i dont seem to be able to upload the screenshot here.

  8. Hi all, i am wondering if the stats of the new recruits are randomized within a certain range? If it is, then i don't think the randomization is working very well...

    I have 4 recruits with the same stats and another 4 with the another same set of stats. I couldn't upload the picture (error 2039).

    Do you guys have the same issue?

    It would be wonderfull if Chris and his guys could truely randomize the recruits.

    Edit. Here is the screenshot.


  9. Camper androns are the worst since they cant be suppressed by shock genades, i feel your fustration bro. Have u tried sending one man to the second level and then teleport him back down asap to tigger their aggression? I see that there is only one andron camping at one of the teleporters, when u attack him, did the rest facing the other teleport reaction fire? If they do then it is probably a bug but if not, u could probably take out the loner first, then send your men back down. Hopefully the rest of the andron will change direction and face the teleporter you were using. Then now u can send ur guys up the other teleporter to deal with the androns who will not be reaction firing since they are facing the other teleporter. Think it will work?

  10. I hate alien reaction fire as well for i lost a col to it. I must admit it was my mistake to think that her shield can take everything and walked her towards to door where her shield got busted from reaction fire and he turned sitting duck; i can only watch in horror as each alien takes about 3 pot shots at her and down she goes.

    Reaction fire is a pain in the neck but i guess it is something we need to adapt to. Now, everytime i open a door, in goes a zapper.

    Perahps what needs to be changed is the overly passive Aliens in the ships. I noticed that at some rooms in alien base, aliens will actively open the door to seek you out and it would be great if some ships can have a more active crew, instead of a ship full of campers.

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