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Posts posted by huhn

  1. i think it was Medium i never send foxtrot vs small but not 100 % sure this was the rest that was flying around and they where far away from the base so condor was no option.

    there was a second crashsite to the north of it but i used an airstrike on it because i was sure i will not get the time to send my drop ship and then i was going to airstrike the "mig" and i though wait~ so i didn't notice the bug before and a lot of things happened there so not easy to recall.

    2 corsair loss to a medium ufo what doesn't make sense too they have 100 % ammo like the foxtrots in the info is this normal that they are shown as armed after a defeated? if no some thing strange happens in the air fights.

  2. for some reasons i got a MIG-32 FOXTROT Crash site and if i send a drop ship the game get stuck in loading screen.

    1 foxtrot is renamed to CRASHSITE-50 central America foxtrot 1.

    2 foxtrot are fly back so the bug triggers in the air fight.

    edit: they are trying to fly back but thats pretty hard as a crash site.

    if i play the save for a while the hole game crash and creates a auto save that crashes after loading. i add it too.

    under save games it's a AUTOSAVE 18.48 28 dec 1979

    mig 32.sav


    mig 32.sav


    mig 32.sav


  3. [V1.0] UfO spawns ignored and keyboard is ignored too

    Ufo spawn and are totally ignore by the system i can't even click on them and send interceptor. it is not even possible to normally close the game esc is totally ignored. after a long time the game crashes if you tell me are i can find the crash report i upload it too.

    to reproduce:

    1. airstrike cashsite

    2. fast forward

    3. choice alien plasma pistol

    4. fast forward

    5. if a landed ufo appearers (ufo-12-14) reload bug.sav and start again at 1.

    6. item received 1x aircraft pres go to base

    7. a second 1x aircraft info will appear press again bug go to base

    8. fast forward bug is triggered

    i can reproduce it always this way i'm sure a lot of steps are unnecessary but this triggers it 100%

    i think this has something to do with the double aircraft received.

    i call this one hell of a game breaking X-)


    i over saw this thread sorry for posting in the bug forum.

  4. Ufo spawn and are totally ignore by the system i can't even click on them and send interceptor. it is not even possible to normally close the game esc is totally ignored. after a long time the game crashes if you tell me are i can find the crash report i upload it too.

    to reproduce:

    1. airstrike cashsite

    2. fast forward

    3. choice alien plasma pistol

    4. fast forward

    5. if a landed ufo appearers (ufo-12-14) reload bug.sav and start again at 1.

    6. item received 1x aircraft pres go to base

    7. a second 1x aircraft info will appear press again bug go to base

    8. fast forward bug is triggered

    i can reproduce it always this way i'm sure a lot of steps are unnecessary but this triggers it 100%

    i think this has something to do with the double aircraft received.

    i call this one hell of a game breaking X-)




  5. The overdamage was added to explosives because without it, there's basically no reason to ever not use them. They're supposed to be a tradeoff of more power, but at an opportunity cost if you use it to kill aliens.

    i knew but why kill 100 % and dmg 0% that's what makes this feel so unreal and unbalanced, i totally agree that loot should get destroyed by it but not like this!

  6. i think they are not as op as shock grenades, if they stay as rocket i think it is an good idea you can't spam rockets. i think making them very weak is more interesting so it take time to be effective, like 25 "hp" stun per tile/turn and armored alien with helmed get 0-25 "hp" per tile/turn if armor is damaged and gain 5-10 gas "hp" per turn. so you need to hurt them to get stunned.

    i don't like that grenades got bigger radius then gas rockets is so bug this should be nerfed a lot.

  7. that's why i report this, because this is not the case only the first enter in the gas in a turn has an effect else nothing happens, i can spend all my tu running in it nothing happens but when i go in and out start next turn and do it again it has an effect most soldier can handle is 2 times but not 3 times. but i can easily run 20 tiles in gas in the same turn, but 2-3 tiles in different turns is impossible

  8. if you suppress your own soldier in your turn he loses 50 % of it's tu and is suppressed in the alien turn. this is fine but in the next turn he only got 50 % of this tu. he lost already 50 % of it's tu he shouldn't lose it twice. if an alien shoots on him in this turn and he would get suppressed by it he should start with only 50% next turn.

    not an easy call...

  9. the rocket luncher and his problems.

    the rocket luncher is the only weapon that get a lot better with really high tu stats (reload and firing in the same turn).

    if a rocket kills the enemy, weapon and body is destroy even with an enemy that lives after 2 or more direct hits. i think it is right to punish heavy rocket use but this just looks wrong. maybe change this to weapon take 1-2 explosions before destroyed on the ground or give them hp, and alien bodys only get destroy if hit for higher than ~70 dmg or more then 50 % of there max hp or when dead on the ground.

    weapon still get destroyed if the rocket luncher is used a lot but it doesn't harm to kill a really strong alien with it anymore.

    new rocket ammo shock rockets there shouldn't be any need for more animations.

    the current problem is that stun rockets have lower AOE range than stun grenades. only the fire range is higher but it takes way more tu to use. a shock rocket would make the rocket luncher more intresting. a rocket that can't destroy Weapon and can kill a couple of aliens plus stunning/suppressing.

  10. Did you just place it normally and it failed to appear?

    i can't remenber it i'm sorry i play way to fast and normally instant leave the base construction.

    i loaded a save game before i build it, placed it on the same tile and it works so this bug is not reproduceable.

    sorry that i can't provide informations to reproduce this. the only thing i can provide is this bugged save game.

    i hope this bug is very very rare and it doesn't matter in the end.

  11. after relocating a dropship i can't assigne solders to it. it's in the list but i can select it. this is major in my eyes.

    edit: only happen when:

    dropship was assigned with solders and tranfers while they are assigned.

    i try to assigne the same solders to it again so not sure i it is still possible to assigne new solders or if the ship this it is still "full" i can provide a save with this issue.

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