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Posts posted by Doomsdayman

  1. I would be great if a enemy was 1 tile away your acc would be 100%.

    I just got killed by a Reaper while failing 2 point blank shots. Same counts for the enemy, it just looks stupid if my guys ore the enemy fails point blank shots, hell a enemy even failed a burst fire from point blank.

    Also is there a way to number my squad mates.

    I usually go with 8 + tank and divide them in 2 squads.

  2. PSI is OP. Just had the first round of the Ceasan battleship that froze before every time. I got like 7 PSI attacks and 3 of my guys where taken over. And that's on easy difficulty.

    I really hope there comes something to counter PSI because it's so annoying right now. Bravery barley levels up. I had a alien base later to day 4 guys where taken over and none of them leveled up in bravery.

    It's sometimes hard to tell when you try to click behind a tree ore something.

  3. So basically when your guy has 100 accuracy the sniper rifle becomes useless.

    So now it's bassicly

    Rifle vs Sniper

    - Rifle bigger magazine.

    - Same distance.

    - Lighter.

    - Rifle almost does the exact same damage as sniper.

    Ore it could be the MAG weapons.

    Also near the end save near the end save. Enemy turn won't end on Andron Supply ships.

    Also why are there base mission where 1/4 of the aliens have plasma cannons.

    And my game freezes on the aliens turn when facing a Ceasan battleship.

    Is there anything to counter those PSI attacks they are getting too annoying.

    Also shield guys aren't animated when flying.

  4. I have a few issues

    1st there is still a bug when it looks like it hit it misses (only now there won't aspire a miss text).

    2nd PSI enemy's. So you can't have PSI guys thats ok but now it's like you took the bad part about PSI (Aliens can PSI you without line of sight) and left the good part out of it (your guys useing PSI).

    3rd I know I am prity late with these 2 but base defense make them come only trough the hanger in waves. Now they are coming from all directions.

    I really like the tank now :P if any alien gets in it's sight *BOOM* alien=jelly :P.

  5. The randomness in soldier abilities is one of the ways playthroughs can feel different. If we did get to recruit the best of the best' date=' there wouldn't be any variation and not much point to the recruitment roster. And soldiers that have mixed skills are specialists. See that recruit with 30 ACC but amazing TUs/RFL? That guy's a great scout, give him a shield but don't let him near an AR. See that recruit with 55 stats across the board? He's boring.[/quote']

    Ok best of the best is a bit to match. But I had 1 guy that was all around 40 on all skills and the other guy was around 70 with all skills ore you get guys that are so high at every skill except 1 skill thats below 40. Would be nice to balance it properly so that 1 guy doesn't have almost everything in the 80 but strength in the 40 ore 30.

    Ore how about depending on difficulty level the soldiers skill points.

  6. 1st I don't like it that you get people that lack skill and people that have skill mixed. If there was a alien invasion I would give a company (ore what ever it is) like Xenonauts the best soldiers on the planet.

    Nr.2 So I assaulted a downed very small UFO and breached it and the aliens let of 6 reaction fires each after I threw a flash bang.

    Nr.3 Please let flash bangs suppress more.

  7. Ok so I have 2 things about this build.

    1st I hate the new debriefing screen. The last one was match better just needed a Mission Successes/Fail instead of the place holder and the had to be ratings.

    2 Thanks to this build I finally know what's going on with the "hit misses". Basically you have 2 dice, 1 for the aim and then you have like 50/50 change of hitting the target when it hits the guy. Please remove the 2nd dice I just had a round where all 8 guys had 80% to 95% change of hitting the alien, the bullet hit the alien but it says every time it misses.

    Also I just had a guy panic for no reason unless there is a system in play, where if you leave a guy all alone he will panic (witch is very assume made).

    Now I have a request can you let me number my team in the dropship, I can now place them in the drop shit how I want to but not number them.

  8. I got 2 problems.

    1st. Way to many Plasma cannons in the later part of the game. They even are doing suicide runs. Basically they run up to me and fire the plasma cannon from point blank range.

    I think you should change the plasma cannon in to something more fearful now it's more of a annoyance. I had a Terror mission yesterday with 3 Tanks that did nothing (witch have to be fixed too) and 10 Plasma cannon guys, no joke.

    2nd sometimes when I fire at enemies they get hit but don't take any damage ore when you know the guys should get hit. Same problem is with my guys sometimes they survived 2x point blank Plasma cannon hits.

    Also on the geoscape sometimes I have the feeling that there just to match UFO's flying around. I just finished researching the Maurader and I got like 5 battleships on my screen and that's only in Africa.

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