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Everything posted by Monifix

  1. Oh okay, thank you for the quick answer! I guess I expected the spawn locations to be more random, but I can live with it.
  2. I wouldn't like it if you removed the workshop from the starting base, sure it's pretty useless at the start of the game before you research something to construct, but having to time out when you'd need the workshop in some min-maxing exercise just seems annoying. Besides, who is restocking all those infinite items you have at the start of the game? I'd like it much better if you actually had to produce those "free" items and and thus giving the engineers a purpose that way.
  3. Hi again, I'm back with a question after having played roughly another 20 hours of the game on the latest experimental build. Do Aliens have the ability to spawn in "tricky" locations, such as it was the case in the original game? I am thinking of aliens spawning on the second story of a building, or even on a roof, or spawning right behind your landing craft just waiting to screw you over? I haven't experienced a single occurrence of this in what i would guess is above 50 ground missions. It's gotten to the point where i don't bother checking the second story of buildings because i never need to. I'm just wondering if others have a different experience than me, and if that is not the case I want to ask if this has something to do with balance concerns? Thank you.
  4. Ah yes, I see what you mean about there not being an obvious spot for a menu button. But thank you for the reply and giving it some thought, I realize that I'm very late to the party since I only started playing the game about a month ago. It's not that important anyway, it's just one of those things that would be nice to have. The one possibility I considered was having it top center, either permanently or having it sort of pop up/slide out when you move the cursor there, since that would look the least out of place I think. However that would require that you'd still be able to scroll the map at any point along the top edge of the screen, even moving the cursor "above" the button, otherwise that might get annoying. So yeah, I completely understand that it would probably be more trouble than it's worth trying to implement that.
  5. Hey everyone, I've decided to stop lurking around in order to make a (hopefully) small request. I would like to ask you to consider making the game playable with mouse only, since it would just be really convenient in some situations. I find myself sometimes playing the game on my laptop next to my bed at night, getting a few missions in before i go to sleep, or playing in the couch with the laptop slightly out of reach. This works fine mostly since I can just use the mouse for 99% of the things I want to do in the game, except for one. Being able to access the save/load feature without having to reach for the computer to press escape. I know it's nothing major, it's just a matter of convenience in certain situations. I hope you will consider it since you are already so close to having a mouse only capable game. Thanks!
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