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Posts posted by ako

  1. Hello,

    I think i found something weird here, and did not found it reported on other threads.

    This was the scenario:

    * I Had 2 Foxtrots armed with 4 plasma missiles

    * Against a Carrier UFO.

    When i fought it manually after shooting all the 4 missiles, i was not able to shoot down the UFO. But the weird thing, is that if i tried to Auto Engage, i had some probability of winning.

    I know that if i don't have enough fuel for the manual combat i could Auto Engage, but i didn't knew that i was also able to shoot the UFO down, even though i knew i did not had the necessary fire power. My aircrafts are not adepts of Kamikaze, so i don't know how i was able to win with the Auto Engage.

  2. Hello, just two minor issues that i noticed and i believe was not reported before. (Or i'm really bad at searching the forum, which is also valid).

    1 - If an unit tries to get a weapon from the ground but does not have enough tus, the weapon dissapears forever, you won't be able even to find the weapon on the soldiers loadout screen.

    2 - After i completed a mission, with some xenonauts injured, and went into another mission, without going back to the base. The xenonauts health bar becames healable, and it's possible to heal then back to 100% health, and they won't be injured after the battle.

    3 - I equipped the xenonaut with the buzzard armor, then i made him spend a turn on a higher ground (the problem happened at the 2 or 3 floor, did not try on the 1 one). On the next turn, immediately after sending the order for him to go to the ground, i change the elevation back to floor 1. Then the soldier became invisible. Gameplay wise there were no changes, but it was as if he wasn't there.

    4 - When entering a Landing ship, if i leave my xenonaut at the front door and open it, it's possible to see all the aliens that are on the second floor. Still don't know if that happens with all the alien ships / elevations.

    Is there a specific thread for reporting bugs?

  3. Have any of you experienced an "endless" map. After shutting down an UFO, and going into the mission, and killing all the visible aliens. I got stuck on the map, searched all the visible areas and still no alien to be seen.

    Later i restarted the same mission, and saw a alien on the same tile set of a chair. So i'm guessing, that an alien got deployed on the same space as a wall, or inside somewhere that i was unable to access, at least not without demolishing all the wall. I have 2 save games, one of the endless map, and the other one of the alien 'sitting' on the chair. I can provide them here if you want.

    Have any of you had a similar issue?

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