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Posts posted by silenced

  1. Well, asking cause Win XP 64 (The 64 bit version) has a history of spotty support. Many games and programs that work for XP, simply will not work with it. Xenonauts looks absolutely wonderful, and I'm eager to throw my money at the makers, but want to err on the side of caution.

    That's what most people don't know or get. WinXP 32Bit and WinXP 64Bit are two totally different things, especially when it comes to support and drivers. Back then 64Bit support was not really on any (MS Windows) hardware developers or software developers main radar.

  2. No. It's complexity is all the stuff that happens and you have to handle it. Dwarves get strange moods, they get pets, they get friends, they get married, they get children, they craft superb items ... so far for the easy part. It becomes interesting when children get snatched, stuff someone loved gets stolen, a dwarf dies due to an accident and is missed by his friends, goblins or elves or trolls or whatever invades or sieges the fortress ... a necromancer comes by and revives dead stuff ... and much much more. Handling a tantrum spiral is quite hard, a strange mood dwarf the goes berserk and is a legendary wrestler can kill half your fort, or a vampire dwarf that drains your dwarves of blood and you don't find out who it is can cause some damage, unhappy dwarves are dangerous.

    Keeping everything in balance is what makes it worth. Sometimes you simply can't do anything about.

    The interface is quite nice once you got into it. But getting in is a steep curve.

    In the end every fort will fall.

    Oh, and v0.40.01 has been released toady, erm, today.

  3. *digs ... digs and digs deeper* Ah, there it is! I love thread-necromancy in the morning.

    Just wanted to 'remind' that DF2014 maybe released 'soonish'. Then it's this time of the year again ... bugs over bugs and sleepless nights and days.

  4. I'm surprised no one mention MetalCanyon: https://www.youtube.com/user/MetalCanyon

    He's huge tactic game fan, as well have 'lot of xcom different series. He already played Xenonauts Beta and finished it recently. Now he's recruiting people for second play, as Xenonauts officially released, and for that, he'll play again.

    Though it's fun to see how long it often takes him to 'get' something, not to forget the repeated mistakes ... again and again and again.

  5. I've quit the game with ALT-F4 while active in a ground mission, want to restart the game -> Steam tells me: App already running. There's no more 'Xenonauts' in the processes, I cannot even close Steam because it tells me: "Please close Xenonauts first".

    Quite annoying. Maybe related with Steam itself and how it handles this. But ... worth to take a look into.

  6. That screenshot shows the LOF working as intended, but yeah I understand why it is confusing. You cannot hit that drone from the centre of your tile to the centre of its. if you rule a line you will see you hit the wall between the door and window.

    Are you talking about my screenshot? If so, please look at it AGAIN, especially at the outmost left side, that's the soldier that wants to shoot and where the issue itself is. That's for sure not working as intended or designed.

  7. In early missions it's nice to have stun gas asap.

    In the current experimental version I packed my soldiers with flashbangs and right in the second mission one of the Sebillans hid in a barn. I didn't want to follow, but with the thrown flashbangs it got stunned. Sometimes even this works. Suppression + stun damage = whee.

    Especially now with the few aliens in the last room of the bigger scouts it's quite nice to have stungas. Shoot the 2nd door open with an MG or whatever and then fill it up with gas. Better than to lose someone to reaction fire.

  8. Shields are suposed to block 100% of the shots from the 45ยบ cone in front of the soldier, right? Something is wrong, I have been hit from shots fired direct in front of the soldier with the shield, as it just don't exists! It makes the ufo breach a nighmare... :(

    Still opening doors manually? Burstfire them open from angles noone can return fire. Way more effective.

  9. I've had my dropship shot down by a fighter after returning from the first mission. Came out of nowhere, was quite a bummer. It's quite dangerous now in v22.6 to go to 'off radar UFO-crash sites' that were downed by local forces.

  10. The MAG-Railgun on a hovertank can be quite devastating, but it's close to impossible to clear any larger UFO with.

    So far, as soon as psionics come into play, it's wiser to savescum to keep the fun in the game. As soon as you have to savescum something is definite broken.

    Another research after the first psionic alien has been captured alive to test 'psionic blocking equipment' may be useful. Make it expensive but lightweight. Not immune to psionics of course, but a bit more 'resistable'.

  11. Corvette:

    -Officer is too powerful for unarmored team, his grenade, Tus and HP are just no match. Maybe it is intended to let aliens wreak some havoc with the corvette until Xeno can handle them. I got so mauled last night by a surprise seb officer. There was also a dead reaper lying around [brr... shivers].

    My standard team consists out of at least 4 heavy weapon guys. These shred anything to pieces that's not called Andron in the early game. Also, lots of flashbangs are a helper.

  12. III. Psionics

    - please have troops who berserk shoot wildly at any visible enemy or any nearby location, NOT at other troops! That is called "mind control" (murdering your own team mates), not, "berserking ,as in becoming scared and shooting wildly"

    Berserk does that. It randomly selects a random target (often the closest one) and shoots at it, or doesn't shoot anything at all. I had it often that soldiers got into 'berserk' and killed the closest Alien, often a Ceasan.

  13. I found a counter : never keep TUs at the end of turn (jog little soldiers, jog and burn these TUs!). That's quite game breaking since you remove the whole concept of reflex shots. Plus making your soldiers jog around isn't really elegant.

    Not really a counter. If they berserk they get their whole TU at the beginning of the turn. But berserk is not always 'shoot next target'. You can be lucky, or really unlucky.

    But, berserk is not that bad. Much worse is 'Under Alien Control'. Because of this is almost a guaranteed death for one of your soldiers.

    Best way is: save often in Geoscape, build that quantum decryption thingie in every base and airstrike everything that's called 'Ceasan'. Anything else can be intervened in ground combat, just hope the 'Praetor' died on crash. If not: spread out and capture it. And, highest priority: shot down ANY UFO that has Ceasans on board AND mission: Terror. You certainly do not want to have a Ceasan Terror Mission. This is REAL terror.

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