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Posts posted by silenced

  1. By breaching an UFO this way, you will have casualties, sooner or later.

    I always bring up to 3 machine gunners with my team, on the way on clearing the map they do pretty decent jobs, but they excel when it's about to breach the UFO itself. (Tactics differ with different types of UFO)

    Use on shield guy to open the door, move him away (time for a prayer here), and then let loose the machine guns. Repeat until everything inside is dead. You can also bring two soldiers with a shotgun in their backpack and clear the UFO this way, after suppressing the enemy.

    Or put someone behind good cover and let him draw all the reaction fire after opening a door, a pistol and a shield is quite good for that purpose. Later on you can simply smoke them out with stun gas grenades, except the pesky androns of course.

    Time for a tactics change on your side, seriously!

  2. First post and nothing but ranting? Get down a bit and calm down even more.

    Which same shit door entry? You can open them manually, you can blast them open with explosives, you can shoot them open with machineguns ... there's nothing boring at this.

    Aliens die when the UFO crashes, even in Xenonauts. It can even happen that the mission is over on turn one, because of all aliens died.

    There are also fires and smoke in shot down UFOs.

    Not everything is intact inside the UFOs.

    I assume you miss a lot of stuff or just do not realize it.

    For destroyed walls and secondary entries ... did the original game really have that? I remember holes in the ceiling, yes, but never missing hull parts on the side, if I remember that correctly.

  3. I once had one of my units killed by a shot outside of my FoV. When I went to explore where the shot came from, I found no aliens but a windowless house with a closed door. As I opened the door, I revealed a caesan right behind it. As far as I know, aliens are not able to close doors and that got me thinking if the 19 tile range issue is somehow related to this. Like if their shot path is calculated from an adjacent tile or something.

    I sometimes think obstacles do not count if not revealed by sight. I sometimes get someone killed by fire and when I move into that direction: How the heck could someone shoot through that solid wall.

    But then again, the enemy may have been in front of the wall at the time, so, I don't know.

  4. Tanks should not be able to misfire shots. Even in the 80's, where the game is placed, they had electronic fire assistance. For example the Russian ZSU-23/4 anti air vehicle could track and hit any airplane in it's range, no matter it's speed. Battle Tanks do hit where the target is, regardless of it's own movement speed and terrain. Should be taken into consideration.

  5. To be honest, almost 90% of all modern AAA games are not even worth it being pirated, who wants to play that crap anyways?

    There's no need for piracy anymore. If you want to buy cheap games -> use other countries to buy there if you need it cheap. Compare Steam prices for example in Germany, UK, USA, Russia, New Zealand and get your own opinion. There are websites available, you will find them.

  6. Once there had been times when 'releasing' a game was more like: "HAHA! We got it cracked first! Take it and see!" ... Does someone still remember the "Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade" copy protection? Those numbers on a sheet of paper you could only read with the glasses ... or the wheel in "The Secret of Monkey Island", or the other number-sheet-stuff on "Sim City", or ... what else was there ... ah yes: "Word 5 on Line 3 on Page 43" ... "Wizardry 7 - Crusaders of the Dark Savant" and "The Settlers" come into my mind here. What else did we have ... hmmm ... ah yes ... "Put Floppy 1 into Drive A:" ... those floppy disc sector protections ... geez.

    You know, it was nice to be a gamer in the early 90's ... but it was a shitload annoying to have all those 'copy protection stuff' lying around somewhere if you wanted to play a game. While it's understandable it's not really customer friendly.

    Then there was my personal Nemesis ... 'StarForce'. I'm still amazed that this kind of copy protection wasn't removed by law. The way it works is ... well ... thank god it's history. Lost 2 drives to this shit!

    I'm pretty glad with where we are today. Steam is fine -> buy, download, let it check and maybe enable offline mode if you don't have a 24/7 line and forget about anything else as DRM. I personally refuse all games that are not available on Steam or gog.com, except a few indie games that don't use any DRM. "Factorio" is a nice game btw. :).

  7. First priority: getting stun gas grenades. Without it's a pain in the ass to clear any UFO.

    Second priority: getting Electro Shock grenades. Since there's always some Androns from time to time.

    Going without grenade support is suicide.

    Ships with multiple decks are a bit of a pain if you do not have enough TU to block the teleporters.

  8. Doing so isn't a very good idea since it costs too much to maintain a squad plus equipment in every base, but yes, you can do it if you want to. On lower difficulties there should be enough leeway to make it work too.

    On Veteran it's possible. Though it's bigger issue is getting good equipment for them all, since this is the expensive part. The upkeep is not that issue, IF you assault every! shot down UFO. May become boring for some, but it's a good way to keep above 0 credits.

  9. Also, uninstall all antiviruses because they are evil, disable firewalls and shit.

    Not really, just McAfee is a bit ... well. If it decides to check a process you're currently using it can cause a lot of havoc. Ever lost a whole document because of McAfee decided: Oh, let's check that office process someone's currently working on ... and then kill it for no reason ... and remove the document aswell.

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