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Posts posted by noname19

  1. As I understand it, each UFO is given certain mission upon spawning on the planet. Some are ordered to scout, some attack your base, others build alien bases, do bombing missions and one of them is terror mission. I guess with capture of alien base, you get the ability to read those orders, I captured one but the research is not finished yet so I can't tell you for certain. So you have to do what I did - make a save when new UFO wave arrives, then let them do their thing (unless they are attacking your base, its fairly obvious). You can usually understand what they are doing. If you flew your fighters over each location UFO landed and there is no alien base, then it's not creating base, but maybe doing research. Remember UFOs you want to leave alone, reload, shoot the rest. Not sure about iron man option though, I guess you can't use same tactic there.

  2. Your problem with UFOs shooting down ships may have a solution, depends on the position of your bases. When you see the UFO warnings, launch your aircraft and patrol the area - I hope your fighters can reach it. If they are this agressive, they are most likely bomber + 2 fighter escorts, not an easy combo to shoot down. Of course, shooting UFOs over water means no extra funds from ground missions.

    Also, try to position your bases so that one base covers more regions - my first base is near Athens (Greece), covering Europe, Africa, Middle East and part of Soviet Union. Second base is in North America, between Chicago and Seatle. Third base South America, between La Paz and Asuncion. Those two bases cover most America, if not by radar then certainly by fighter coverage. And my final base is on the biggest island in Indochina, north east of Jakarta - that one takes care of all Indochina and Australia. So far, I had only one terror mission, in the north part of Soviet Union, where an UFO arrived outside radar coverage and gave no warning before the mission popped up. My biggest problem was to find out which UFOs are going to start alien bases so I had something to target, thats how effective my fighter/ radar coverage was. In the end, I had to leave all mid-sized UFOs which were not attacking just fly freely over the map, landing whereever they wished, then flying over the locations with fighters. Tip: it was landing craft with two fighter escorts. I thanked them for new tech afterwards.

  3. I have more funds than I can reasonably use - over 1,5M at the end of the month *after* equipping all soldiers with plasma and buzzard armor, two shrikes and I just started on replacing condors and foxtrots with marauders. It would be better from my perspective if I could research crypto lab another way, landing craft for example.

    Any way how can I recognize behavior of construction UFOs?

  4. I have made good progress in Xenonauts, up until very recently doing every ground mission possible and shot down all UFOs that arrived - I have four bases around the globe with great radar coverage plus I can send strike forces to reported UFO activities. I have researched everything up to marauder, shrike, all plasma weapons except battle rifle (as no enemies have it), etc. My researchers have nothing to do, I am shooting down fresh UFO waves every three days or so, but no progress. All I see is scout, corvette, landing craft, thrown in with few bombers and fighters / heavy fighters.

    As for aliens, I met Ceasans, Sebillians, Androns, Reapers, Light Drones and Harridans. Again, this is going for months with no new enemy type appearing.

    Also, no enemy bases, no terror missions (I don't even know if they are in game, UFOs never had time to start them). Reputation with all countries is very high.

    So, am I doing something wrong? Maybe let some UFOs to perform their tasks, or whatever? I can't find Alien Leader to progress more in main research, nor can I find battle rifle to develop MAG weapons and no cruisers / carriers on radar.

    BTW: normal difficulty, end of January 1980.

  5. I can provide save, this bug is repeatable. My three foxtrots with fusion torpedoes against carrier and 1 fighter escort can't be autoresolved, always result in CTD.

    Edit: even when I manualy win the battle I always get CTD.

    It may be important for debugging purposes, this is the *second* attack on the carrier, the first one took down two fighters and my foxtrots escaped. Seems like carrier launched another fighter after that battle.

  6. Well, maybe I am doing something wrong, but I really needed grenades at lot at the beginning. Weak weapons, horrible aim, etc. Rocket launchers help a lot, but they are not omnipotent. Most soldiers are able to get closer and throw some grenades even over things that would make it impossible for your gunners to hit their targets. And stun gas grenades are very important, especially when you need some new research. Not knowing if they will render your target uncouscious or not is a problem.

    Later on, your weapons can actually shoot, hit and even destroy the environment, so grenade usefulness goes down a notch or two, but they still remain your best bet to incapacitate enemies. Rocket-delivered stun gas is too weak and my soldiers refuse to go hand to claw combat with stun batons.

  7. Yep, perfectly. You are right that it makes flashbangs more distinct. But the same effect would be achieved by setting explosive grenade's suppresion to 0.

    At least in the beginning, before your soldiers can hit an enemy and get their hands on weapons that can do some damage, grenades are much more important then later on. They are also main way to capture aliens, something you do ASAP. Therefore this change increases difficulty mostly in early game. That's the wrong difficulty curve.

    Grenades received more then enough nerfs lately, please don't damage their tactical value even more.

  8. Kabill, I would really like to understand the second part of what you wrote, can't wrap my head around it somehow.

    And my issue isn't with only with the inability to see what will happen when I use a grenade, my main problems are that it has now much *less* tactical use. No suppression, no area cleaning when you need it. They are now *only* good for damaging / killing enemies, if you don't care what state they will be left in as long as they are not a threat.

  9. I hate myself for sugesting this as I am great fan of opening UFO door, shooting inside and closing, but if you really want to prevent this behavior, more TUs for opening and closing is not what you need. At worst, I will have single soldier crouched, opening door, then the rest of the squad shoots everything inside and my crouched soldier close them again. TUs are not an answer.

    What would be much more useful is if you *can't* open OR close door more then once per turn. Once you open them, you can only close them next turn. Bye bye problem. Also, more dead xenonauts.

  10. Currently, I know only one way to send aircrafts to an area. That is to order them to go after another target (therefore the target has to be present, like alien base you haven't destroyed yet) and when they are in the air, manualy alter their destination. That solution is clumsy at best.

    In addition, what could be concidered a bug is that you can't send your fighters exactly where some alien manifestation occurs (abductions, naval ship bombarded, UFO sighted, etc) - you have to click with the altered destination nearby, or it won't work.

    Probably the easiest way to do it is using RMB which ATM doesn't do anything else then LMB.

    RMB -> select aircrafts to patrol this location. Easy, fast, minimal imput from players side.

  11. While no problem on the beginning, later on, with multiple bases and more resources, it would be great if we could select numbers quickly. Holding down mouse to transfer several hundred alien alloys from one base to another is not funny, nor fast. Same for assigning scientists / engineers to tasks, etc. Practicaly anything where we have to choose how many would benefit from direct number imput. Sliders are another and *not good* variant, as they are notoriously unprecise.

    For example, the field that shows numbers now between + and - buttons can be clickable.

  12. I have to disagree on the rocket launcher equivalent - I can do some tests but I am pretty sure rocket launcher is conciderably *more* powerful, and it has bigger range, which makes it very useful for clearing your way to the target or area suppression. On the other hand, you can only shoot one rocket per turn, unless your soldiers are extremely experienced (TU: 30fire+40reload+30fire = 100 TUs). I have seen aliens shooting twice, maybe even three times, but that could be my mistake. On the downside, it seems to me their version is very weak. Wolf armor has no problem shrugging of repeated hits.

    Any word if rocks can be made destroyable?

  13. 1) I have seen many aliens wield and use their sniper rifles. New heavy armor mitigation is a good thing, it's really dangerous weapon. My problem is it's accuracy - After dozens of missions I didn't see single alien miss with it, even in autoresponce to my movement / attack. In effect, if you see alien with sniper rifle, you have to take it down *immediately*, and if he has enough TUs for shooting back, then you have to kill him / suppress him with single shot (rocket launchers help). I understand they should be accurate weapons, but I wonder if they are not too much accurate, especialy when human sniper rifles have penalty in auto attacks.

    2) Until v19.7, alien heavy plasma was a weapon to be feared, unless you like to be insta-melted into boiling goo. This new variation could be described as "bit stronger shower setting". My wolf-armor-equipped soldier was hit from next square by andron combatant carrying this weapon and nothing happened. My soldiers as a matter of fact walk through heavy plasma fire like it was raining and killing their wielders with impunity. It's like alien pistol v2.0 .

  14. Really, if your reasoning for making most of the grenades explode at the end of your turn, please turn it back. In fight, I use explosives to *wound* enemies, clear the way of obstacles and to pin enemies down. All of those tactics are now next to useless. If you kill enemies with explosives, they are gone and their equip (MONEY!) with them. Grenade goes first, clear the way and rifles can shoot without problems. Not anymore.

    It's similar for stun gas grenades - you just throw enough grenades to render your target uncounscious, but when they explode after your turn, you have no way to know if it was enough. Mistakes in that area kills your people very fast.

    If your reasoning is to protect soldiers from bad grenade throw, add some small delay after the grenade is thrown before it explodes. If you see a problem, you can still doubleclick your soldier away.

  15. I don't know the name of the unit as it is mechanical and explodes when destroyed, but it's bigger brother of small flying saucer. Most of the time I aim at it, game reports 0% chance to hit, but that is only because it's large and game engine see that the area around the target - the place your soldier aims - is occupied by something else that would be hit instead of the target, but those are other parts of the enemy. Shooting it works fine.

    If there are other enemies bigger then 1 space, there may be similar problem with them too.

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