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Posts posted by xakthos

  1. The wiki is probably going to be removed if I'm honest. It never really took off and getting it filled up is going to be a looot of effort I'd rather spend on writing a manual or something.

    I would recommend instead of elimination postponement. Disable it for now then once the game is out of beta and considered released then open it back up with the various final formulas for accuracy/etc. Trying to maintain it right now I think is a waste of your resources but down the road when the values aren't quite so dramatic it may not be.

  2. C4 to open up multiple entry points. A metric ton of grenades (was able to throw over that wall not sure if today's patch changes that). Even if it did toss some smoke to break LOS and then use lot of stun grenades. Close door. Pass a few turns and they fall over. The non stunnables are the real pain. You either blow up lots of gear or have to slowly wear them down. In bases I use rockets a lot both for the damage in some locations but mostly stun gas, as it'll suppress them even if the gas doesn't get them.

  3. Ultimately there needs to be a way to either determine what the alien mission is and/or a way to know that your base has been discovered. An 'Aliens appear to know location of this base' in the base status screen (under the maintenance costs maybe?)

    Course you could go a step further and have a abandon base functionality so you can evac to another facility.

  4. Oh so the Androns and drones aren't capture-able? I had thought that given resources I sank into trying but the science blurb mentioned capturing a drone and you learn how to disrupt the electronics off the chain the Androns start so I thought they might be obtainable. Guess I can stop trying now; though I hadn't tried hard for ages there was a mission where I put out some 20 electro grenades trying.

  5. An AC-130 Sprectre gusnhip would be perfect for CAS. And the A-10 Thunderbolt II Was ready by 1979.

    However, Close Air Support is probably beyond the scope of the game, which focuses on team versus team infantry combat.

    Good lord a AC-130 would be overkill. By 1972 they had the 105mm package available. Talk about overkill; there'd be nothing to salvage of the entire UFO much less the aliens after calling in a sanitation mission on their position. Even the 40mm Bofors from out of effective grounded alien counter attack would mean just sending in a team of one to pick up pieces and act as a spotter.

  6. When someone next considers alien base design, please have at least two different entrances to the Command Room. I'm not the only one who suffers through the meat grinder that is 8-9 frackin' aliens armed to the teeth and hopped up on adrenaline.

    I gave up on capturing the room neatly, I just dump a LOT of rockets in there from the neighboring room from behind a smoke screen. Area of effect overkill and room is totally empty of destructible items but it works.

  7. I think Chris wasn't asking about why people shoot down every UFO, he was asking about why people do every UFO ground combat. Not shooting down UFOs is bad, but not doing a ground combat has no negative effects. Now, it doesn't have any positive effects either; no sales, no relations boost, etc, but leaving it be and letting it disappear doesn't lead to reduced relations.

    Well first that isn't all that called out specifically. Second you don't really improve relations either by ignoring them. It took months to get even a couple of funding blocks out of poor/bad relationship and despite the world paying me some 2.5M a month now 6 of them are still poor/bad. The relationship only seems to improve after big and constant hauls. That aside skipping battles is bad for business. Maintenance costs even with shooting just about everything down still pretty much equal income (that much air power costs lot of money when you brute force it instead of gaming the air battles AI) so the missions are the funding source for the stacks of plasma rifles and materials to build the end aircraft etc. Skipping missions today leads to you not having the resources tomorrow so it makes sense to push the teams to the redline taking even injured personnel on missions as often as you can.

    I guess the short answer is cash and resources with the sense that if I don't have it coming in hand over fist I'll be overwhelmed totally with no hope of survival.

  8. I think there needs to be a reduction in costs. By the end of November, my base costs are basically equal with my monthly funding (800,000).

    I'm now almost completely dependent on downing UFOs for cash.

    Earlier Chris asked why people attacked every UFO, well, my main reason is the economy dictates it. It's the only way to stay afloat.

    Seriously. Not attacking every single UFO leads to two outcomes: Less money from missions and lowered money from countries. Even with them putzing around over the ocean where there is 'no gain' from shooting it down, the loss of revenue dictates I must attack every UFO as fast as possible and destroy it immediately to preserve my income level. To ignore UFOs or not shoot them down is to work against yourself. With the maintenance costs if you don't ramp up and blow them out of the sky very very fast, you'll be ground down into dust as the world stops paying you which deprives you of money to shoot them down and the circling of the toilet goes on.

  9. Aliens shooting at my guys through solid walls (bases, sometimes ufos, buildings commonly) would be one of my top ones as well. Secondary is crashing while modifying roles. No pattern just messing with roles and gear in them enough almost always causes a crash in the experimental.

  10. Playing around with it, the game seems to have the UFOs never where your base is. I put bases everywhere but Australia and that's where the next 3 months worth of UFOs were primarily. When I had just two bases they were all over the locations I had no presence. With the radar range and the speed at which they can drain down an area (550+ casualties on normal by November, 2/3rds of them in Australia) along with starting plane limitations it seems a tad harsh. Haven't figured out how to change how the aliens target parts of the world.

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