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Dead Dread

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Posts posted by Dead Dread

  1. cash gets very tight mid game, you build a few suits of wolf armour, have lasers researched. Then heavy fighters appear and cream your f17s if you dont have plasma explosives, so a few corsairs are needed. I'm currently facing cruisers & heavy figheter escorted landing ships with 1 corsair, no laser or plasma weapons and only 5 suits of wolf armour across 2 bases on veteran. For some reason i found it HARDER on normal, just never got many ufos to shoot down and went backwards in a big way. Finances are a HUGE part of the game and rely on you doing well in air combat...

    [EDIT]ground combat is important for cash too, but its better to flee/airstrike than lose a soldier in armour or with an energy weapon as the cost of replacement is so high.

  2. 1) TU move cost reduced from 4 to 3, other move costs lowered proportionally - Since i move from cover to cover, this wont really have an effect until breaching where you can more easily run to door, fire, retreat.

    2) Cover effectiveness reduced by 50% (so it provides 20-25% protection) - This will significantly change the gameplay. At the moment getting my guys in cover is priority 1, Then i either nuke the enemy cover with Rockets &/or go for a flankong maneuver. Reduced cover will give first shot a significant advantage as you have a good chance of hitting even if the enemy is bunkered down, no need to panic retreat or risk running around the sides.

    3) Greater range of soldier stats - This i like, should add variety and make some soldier choices poor and others much better. I would also add atimer to the recruitment screen for filling in new soldiers, maybe 24hrs?

    4) Weapon accuracy increased, but zoom level spread reduced - Weapons already seem to be deadly accurate. in fact with my near rookie soldiers i am rarely adding 1 level of extra aiming as chance to hit is already at maximum. not sure why you think it needs upping again?

    5) Aliens are less numerous and less tough - Well if they are more deadly this may follow, id have to see the effects of improved ai before i comment.

    6) Aliens are significantly more dangerous - YES,YES,YES. This should be at number 1. At the moment they are too passive, dont use buildings effectively (i have seen them in a supermarket but they didnt come out or fire even as i strafed the place repeatedly for 10 rounds until id destroyed enough shelves to get clear shots on them), dont use rooftops, dont fire often enough, do lots of silly random cover changes.

    Hoping for the best!

  3. love the medals under the name and role location change. In fact REALLY like these! But I prefer the original inventory colour scheme and weight bar, the 2 bars work well, especially at the moment when you can overload before losing TU :P also think the dismiss/relocate soldier fits in better at the top. So a blend of the 2 is my prefered option, might mod it up closer to final release when im sure nothing is going to get changed :)

  4. OK, just spent close to 3hrs in game from the exe file Chris pasted up, no crashes with heaps of saves, aircombat and ground missions. Here's my take;

    LOS in start of ground combat : FIXED

    Crash when using inventory in ground combat : FIXED

    Aliens staying supressed : FIXED

    Soldiers arriving injured : FIXED

    Crash after trying to save after 1st scout mission : FIXED

    Autosave : FIXED

    Briefing Screen : FIXED

    Soldiers with 98% health after mission : Still present,

    Also garage doors on some maps act funny, either cant be opened or you run straight through them.

    But those 2 things are minor compared to the fixes, very happy with V20SC5!

    WELL DONE! :-)

  5. It could be a very interesting weapon. Make it heavy and use ammo in a similiar way to the rocket launcher so that with its short range it becomes a niche carry class for storming buildings/ships. The fuel tanks could also be heavy to prevent ammo stacking. You could then beef it up a bit by coding flame to have an interesting effect such as "panic" enemy aliens. I'd also like to see it useless against certain aliens such as robotics, exoskeleton and maybe even lizard types so it gets made redundant later on.

  6. At the moment there is no way of knowing how many TUs will be used by opening/closing a door except by memory. Adding a little number to the door icon would be a nice addition, cause i sometimes sit there wondering if i have enough to fire then close the door... stupid memory forgeting random crap ;P

  7. Doing a scout mission suppressed a sebillian with a supression grenade but failed to kill him that turn. However the sebillian still had "supression" on my next turn AND the turn after that! Sebillian failed to move or do anything whilst supressed.

    Happened again with 2 sebillians inside the spaceship. In fact i walked right next to them and left my soldier there to see if they were truly bugged, neither fired on my unarmoured rifleman at point blank range standing with no cover.

  8. +1 aliens need to shoot more... even if it makes the ai seem less sophisticated.

    one thing i've also noticed is that playing an unknown map makes a HUGE difference in the tension/fear factor. Whilst the dev team is doing the whole time/$/feature dance at the moment it would be hugely beneficial if a map contest and official integration occured after launch.

  9. When on the store screen the font size for sell items is correct, however when clicking the transfer option the font size in the table increases by a small amount and doesnt line up properly anymore. It is most evident on the transfer column where the left and right arrows go into the heading section. Screen size 1680x1050.


    EDIT Now that I look at it again it may just be the Base Names that are in a larger font, which pushes the table down resulting in the text being slightly high in it.

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