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Dead Dread

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Posts posted by Dead Dread

  1. So alien turn and a reaper Ive shot but not killed hits a civ turning them into a zombie, I use purple knockout gas which gets the predamaged reaper but not the zombie. A second soldier hits the zombie with an electro shock grenade and it gibs. Nothing is left. Im a bit hesitent so i end turn with everyone left on reaction fire duties. But nothing untoward occurs on the alien turn so I go about pushing forward again. Then I hear "That Sound", you know the one, the OMFG a reaper just exploded out of someones chest lookout sound! and just next to the hidden turn graphic there is a pop of blood and a reaper appears... exactly where I electroshocked the zombie. Appears as if an electroshock incapacitates the zombie but the reaper spawn countdown continues as normal. The reaper should probably instantly appear.

  2. Dont worry, we all had the same problem 1st time in. You fire those 2 rockets and the damn thing dodges them :/ The one thing that will save your ass is Spamming The Spacebar! You have to just pause a lot, issue commands, repeat. Stagger missile launches and dont forget Q & E will allow fighters to dodge left or right which is generally better than clicking the dodge button and dodging in a random direction.

  3. Not a good strategy for getting people to buy your game.

    Maybe, and your probably right. I just long for the days when the expectation was frequent failure and when you finally figured out how to beat a game it created real pride in the accomplishment. Stop interfering with my rose coloured glasses dammit! ;-)

  4. BUGFIXES: <3


    • UFO detected dialog is now shown again when a ufo re-enters radar range <3

    • Heavy Fighter changes (from Max) have been implemented; Heavy Fighters are now slow to turn but very powerful when fought head-on. Corsairs eat them for lunch, if controlled manually. <3


    • Removed the invisible blocking walls outside the Light Scout <3

    • Alien weapons are reworked; alien races now have access to different weapons and the progression is more sensible. Expect a few less deaths early game and relatively more late game (Jackal has recieved quite a significant relative early-game boost as a result of the changes) <3 Jackal was useless on vet before, great change.

    • Reapers no longer spawn from zombies with full TU, plus the spawn animation is much prettier now. <3

    So much to love in this build :-)

  5. Are you talking about my screenshot?.... That's for sure not working as intended or designed.

    Yes, I realise it is the left most soldier firing, as Chris says...

    That doesn't mean the LOS system is inherently broken, even though lots of people think it is. It may well just be a simple display error. We'll update that and see if more updates are required once that is in.

    So hopefully the new update will make it more obvious why the shot is missing and remove any ambiguity. [fingers crossed]

  6. That screenshot shows the LOF working as intended, but yeah I understand why it is confusing. You cannot hit that drone from the centre of your tile to the centre of its. if you rule a line you will see you hit the wall between the door and window. The best chance of hitting is from the corner of your tile to the center of the drones (you always aim to the center of the targeted tile) as you will shoot it through the window. Unfortunately that shot gets blocked by the tiny bit of wall in the corner of your square. I believe the system is working as intended, its just difficult to predict if you will be able to hit or not from a particular tile without placing a ruler on your screen on each of the corners :P

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