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Hyena Dandy

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Posts posted by Hyena Dandy

  1. The short answer is no.


    As I understand it currently, maps are not randomly generated per-se, but there is room for some variation within the same map by random selection of submaps (all the buildings, trees walls, etc...). Each map consists of a kind of layout as well as a number of submaps which can be interchanged so long as they have the same dimensions.

    You can read more about how maps work on the wiki.

    It's also worth mentioning that right now there is a community map pack with a huge number of maps to keep you from getting bored :)

    Oh, there's no way I'd get bored even if there was just one map per area.. I just have a kind of love of procedural generation. :)

    Thank you for answering, I was a bit confused. :)

  2. Are the maps in this game randomized, like they were in the original X-Com, or are they pre-built? The lack of the randomly generated maps was part of what disappointed me in Enemy Unknown, and while I'll definitely buy this game eventually (because I love this type of game), that's going to pretty deeply factor into when I get it.

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