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[zero] Remorse

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Posts posted by [zero] Remorse

  1. This is known to happen if an alien spawns inside an object, or if one of your soldiers is under mind control at the time of the save. You need to go to the last save before the mission, so you can start it over again, with aliens spawning in new places (or go to an earlier save before any soldier is under mind control).

    I'm sure there will be other circumstances for crashing too, but these are the one's I know of :)

  2. Ah that makes good sense vaultdweller.

    I did like the original for chrysalids in that they had massive TU's, so could walk a long way (from outside of visible area) and then convert a soldier - which was pretty significant. In Xenonauts, they're not so bad, as they can't walk in from a long way off and convert - they just seem to walk in and stop and then wait to be killed by my soldiers the next turn - not hard, so long as soldiers stay in teams, and preferably have a sniper nearby :)

  3. I haven't tried ur savegame (although I hope Goldhawk find it helpful) but I also had lock-ups after pressing End Turn when in the starting area. Some times it would come good in 10 mins, but some times I left it for over 8 hours and still showing "Hidden Movement". Always fixed though by going back to a savegame before landing at the alien base, I guess so it regenerated the aliens' positions. Possibly related to the bug where aliens could spawn in a wall or other object.

  4. I too just finished the "final mission" - found it much easier than most alien base missions. Took around 12 turns, and took out both power generators with 4 soldiers going into each one, and the other 8 (Valkyrie) heading into the palace. Killed final Praetor in a single shot from a MAG sniper (how anti-climactic!) and then figured I had to walk everyone through the opening at then end of the palace (no door was there). Never saw any reapers.

    A bit let down after finishing the mission, then get normal debriefing screen, then back at Geoscape as if nothing happened, and the game all continued on as normal. Operation Endgame link was still there, I still got to research more stuff, and UFO's still kept coming.

    I understand it's a work in progress, just sharing my experience and observations :)

    EDIT: I played v19 Stable Hotfix

  5. I may have a possible cause for the above happening. In researching, I skipped Plasma Explosives and instead went straight from Allenium to Fusion. Maybe that's why the upgrade didn't happen correctly? I have now just completed Plasma Explosive research, and thankfully, although the Xenopedia text says it applied the "upgrade" when I already had fusion, it didn't revert down to Plasma, but kept the Fusion equipment.

    Hope that helps?

  6. I don't know about your specific issue as I haven't experienced that one, but I have had many saves crash on loading. Work around is for sure to load an old one that works and continue on again from there. Also, it's worth trying loading an old working geoscape one, and then straight after that loading the broken one. This seems to work sometimes. Good luck!

    It may also be worth attaching the corrupt save game in case it helps them fix it if it's a new bug.

  7. Actually, I do have the same issue exactly, but not until the shrike has actually been used in a mission, and the application restarted. My last savegame that works fine is after the shrike was built, but before it was used. The work around I use is same as veggetossj, being to load that last good savegame, and then load the newer one. Weird! It does seem to be at exactly that point in the game of using the shrike.

    Click for save game

  8. Xenopedia wording is vastly improved in v19 over v18, but still has some grammar/spelling issues. I realise these may well have been fixed up in the latest version by now, so instead of wasting everybody's time, is there any point providing this feedback? If so, I can provide the errors I've seen so far, eg. the Wraith Autopsy screen has the word "posess" instead of "possess" and "posesses" instead of "possesses" and "ubiquitious" instead of "ubiquitous".

  9. Once fusion equipment has been researched, the scientist's blurb says aircraft missiles and so on have been upgraded, but no, I had to manually go into every aircraft to change missiles. Also, I had to manually replace every soldiers' grenades, and rocket launchers with the new type. Further, even after changing rocket launchers to the new type, and loading the new rocket into each soldier's launcher, once they begin each new mission, the loaded rocket goes back to the old type. I then have to fire off that rocket (into an alien of course!) and then manually reload the fusion type from their backpack (which is not a quick-reload). I have to do this on every single mission - the preloading of fusion rockets does not seem to stick.

  10. Pistols tend to automatically reload themselves if they're holstered after being fired - just wait after a turn or so and they're reloaded. I'm not sure what triggers this auto reload. It does not always happen when the primary weapon is reloaded. An example is a heavy weapons guy drops his rocket launcher, pulls out pistol and kills alien, then holsters pistol. Next turn picks up rocket launcher, and lo and behold, the pistol is reloaded.

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