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Posts posted by Bluedrake42

  1. Oh don't get me wrong I understand the lore reasons for having infinite weapons, just from a gameplay standpoint its kindof disappointing =/

    like for instance... if you get infinite free weapons... don't you think you would also get infinite free recruits and scientists too? it just kinda messes with the balance

    Also I understand the reasons why you auto-sell weapons, but once again, I'd like to have the choice. It would be nice to decide whether you want to use bulky weird weapons, or sell them. IDK from a balance gameplay standpoint, a lot of this stuff is really wonky.

    I don't like games that force decisions for you, true keeping alien weapons would probably be a bad idea, but I want to be the one to figure that out and make that choice... not the game.

  2. Just played my first hour of the game, and while it is VERY buggy (which is expected, cause its alpha) I really enjoyed the Xcom feel. Not only does Xenonauts retain the same gameplay mechanics that made Xcom great, it expands upon them in ways I felt Xcom lacked and that the community yearned for. Overall I think the Xenonauts team has their finger on the pulse of the Xcom fanbase, and that makes me very happy.

    However with that said, there are a few things that I felt were lacking.

    First of all weapon management. Early game weapons appear to be infinite, and this really feels off. I really miss the purchase menu of the old Xcom games, and I would like to see a return of that. Xcom was all about base management, and I think taking out resource management of early game items detracts from that.

    Secondly, the user interface... and overall layout. A lot of things, such as the combat interface, work beautifully... and are very intuitive. However other things, such as the base menu screens, and even the post-combat analysis screens, are rather clunky and confusing. The menu is nowhere near as graceful as Xcom's, I think a lot could be done to streamline and simplify the base management screen. In addition, after a battle... the analysis said 45,000$ total sales. What do sales have to do with combat? Did I just automatically sell the equipment I recovered or something?

    These are really the only two gripes I had about the game, and I understand that its an early build (however that only gives me more reason to voice my concerns now =P) so ultimately all I have to say is good job! and keep up the good work! I think we only have up to go from here =)

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