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Posts posted by Razorsharp

  1. Please... i'm so pedantic that i can't play the game without them. It's so annoying, seeing them there, just within your grasp, yet still can't use them


    I would pay you a sum you would deem fitting for this mod. I wouldn't go over the actual price of the game, though, but depends on the amount of work needed and willingness of folk to do it.

    Please - i really want to play Xenonauts 2, but the this small tick is just in the back of my head constantly reminding me of "hey, wouldn't it look and be super cool?"...

  2. On 8/31/2023 at 12:24 AM, 38Simulated said:

    I'm not sure its really possible at this stage (not without a lot of knowledge of Unity and 3d modelling)

    Its not like X1 where you could just copy some sprites from one folder to another. 99% of the assets for X2 are contained in Unity asset bundles. It is possible to alter the bundles and replace assets. However, the Xenonaut armour is going to be its own 3d model with its own texture and animations. I'd imagine you can't just switch the models as it's likely the local forces have their own 3d models with their own textures and animations.

    If the local forces and the Xenonaut starter armour share the same model then it might be possible to swap the textures but that would require finding the texture in the 370 odd asset bundles, extracting them, swapping them and then saving them back to the bundle.




    Oh... oh well, guess i'll just wait until it's added, hopefully.

  3. Back in Xenonauts 1 there was a  Desert camo variant of the default armor available to local forces i really liked. Thankfully to change the way they look was really easy, as they're all sprites and you could do it with a simple copy, paste and name change.

    But i want to do the same here. I like REALLY the way local forces armor looks like instead of the janitorial blue armor your men have.

    Is it possible to somehow change just the look of the armor? I don't care, it can change everything - stats, health etc. but all i want is the armor look

    In Xenonauts 1 it was as easy as replacing the sprites.... i'm  guessing this one isn't that simple.

  4. Oh, did i mention that protection from Jackal is utterly marginal? Like a burst from a plasma pistol could kill a guy in jackal, wich kinda eliminates the whole "breaking and entering" thing. Jackal armor would be great for long range combat, were most burst fires miss, since it does protect your soldiers from a single shot of plasma. But visibility derp. What i'm saying is it's cons far outweigh it's pros and it needs balancing, but guess i'll have to live with it.

  5. Am i the only one experiencing this? Researching, making, and equipping your soldiers with jackal armor might probably be a death trap. Firstly - the limited vision is a huge minus, as most of the other aliens, even sebillians, can spot me and shoot before i can (i'm not even talking about ceasans). The extra weight is also a turn off, since i like to equip every soldier with a medipack, just in case (considering that the jackal armor has only marginal protection capabilities). It's expensive and time consuming to make. In conclusion - my entire squadron, equipped with jackal armor has an overall worse combat performance than equipped with basic armor. The only workaround i see is that you either remove vision penalty, weight penalty, or you increase the defensive properties of the armor.

    TL;DR Jackal is utterly shitty, even basic armor is better :mad:

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