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Everything posted by Went

  1. 1. There are legion of aliens in final room (with hologram globe), about 10 or more. I don't see any way to kill them - their reaction fire kill anyone who comes closer. Smoke don't works (they anyway hit and kill me) and there are no other entrances to this room. 2. "or destroy all energy cores" - what is "energy core"? I have ruined all the base, but mission hadn't completed. So, I uninstalled Xenonauts until release.
  2. Well done, Goldhawk. Now accuracy of snipers, rifles and chainguns is adequate. Other weapons not tried yet.
  3. So bombastic There is a difference between difficulty that makes player to think and difficulty that makes player to restart and restart again. These concepts can be similar in games divided to short-term episodes. But in solid game as Xenonauts they are not.
  4. Despite the fact that I generally uphold the mortal fighters, I do not think that this solution will work. Let me explain. Insane difficulty implies iron man mode, which means that every encounter with a new set of UFOs will be unpredictable. Unpredictable encounters in 50% lead to fighter crash (there is no effective way to withdraw battlefield). Unrecoverable crashes lead to intolerable money loss, and then, to downspiralling of entire game to fail. Thus, insane mode with mortal aircrafts will be for geniuses (who can predict any UFO strength), fanatics (who have the time to restart game dozen of times), or people who already know the game inside and out.
  5. Good idea, thx But you must understand my frustration too: I have played three months of game time and stuck in the problem with no solution. And this was repeated in 3-rd or 4-th time in row. It it too dangerous to come closer to a bunch of 5-6 aliens with heavy plasmas Even if I'll kill half of them on my turn, next turn I'll lose half of mine. I want to draw your attention to the fact that this is not some small bug that can be fixed in the next build. This is a systemic gameplay problem: the game offers player labor instead of challenge. You can tune weapon stats so many times as you wish, but stationary enemies will never be dangerous. You can spawn 30, 40 androns in the city terror, but I'll easily kill them all, as I killed 20 last time, question is only time and ammo And when you at least make them think and attack player, you'll have to rebalance all stats again from scratch. I really hope you'll understand my opinion as a real game analysis but not as "crying of casual game-baby". I'm turning in game development more than ten years and able to distinguish stability issues and fundamental gameplay problems.
  6. Enemy bases cause mixed feelings. On the one hand, they are very nicely drawn and the atmosphere of a lot better than in the original UFO. But they a totally unplayable on the other hand: it is dark, buggy and illogical Theatre of the Absurd. 1. There are same accuracy bugs as in crashed UFOs. My squad full of colonels and commanders, armed with lasers, is unable to kill reptiloid, which is sitting behind computer panel, during 10 or 15 turns! Even after computer destruction my shoots still hit the air, but not enemy. In the end I have ran out of ammo and was forced to rush enemy in close combat. 2. Reptiloid survives 5 stun grenades, two alenium rockets, alien grenade, two alenium grenades, tons of laser rays and plasma bolts. May be they are liquid metal terminators, not an organic creatures? 3. There is doors gameplay bug. My squad coming to door, opens it, fires, closes it. Room inside is full of reptiles, but no one of them opens the door from inside. If they do so, they will wipe out all of my team in one turn. But they just sitting behind their computers. I think they know about accuracy bug too Prolixity is the main bug of Xenonauts. The developers said they removed the accidental soldier deaths. But along with that, they removed and accidental deaths of aliens. Now every alien is a notorious labor, "ton of coal, which you must transfer from one wagon to other". I am physically tired of Xenonauts. The game (even on insane difficulty) is not throwing me a challenge. It is making me to work hard. Please, do something with this.
  7. Rocket power and enemy HP's are changing from build to build. 19.1 had adequate rockets, but now they are weak again. This bug was detected many builds ago. If they "working on it" until this time, may be they just need another programmer? TU is universal power-skill for any unit: sniper or machine gunner doesn't matter. So why any rookie can you bazooka, machine gun, assault rifle in full extent, but sniper rifle not? I getting friendly fire when my soldier suddenly fires for 45 deg against the target. Did you seen any real soldier, who can fault his aim so epic? About "cautious approach". We must distinguish between it and "notorious, labor-style play". In the first case we can act precisely but effective. In the second case we must spend 10 turns to kill weakest alien in an open field by entire squad.
  8. I am using different aim options with same result. I have no doubt that there is a tactic that allows you to clean up a UFO faster than than 15 turns. It is even easier to do this with pair of bazookas What I mean is that the game does not allow the player to act as he would act in the real life. First, I contend that aliens behave inadequate inside the UFO. They just stand behind data cores instead of run out the ship and counterattack player. Even if they will just roam the map, they will more dangerous, more adequate. Second, I would argue that the numerical parameters of weapons and units do not meet any expectations. I am absolutely not interested in what cause the developers rebalance weapon to be such inaccurate. The point is that it's annoying. Another example: weakest sektoid easily survives bazooka shot. Missile able to blow up an armor is to weak to kill human-like creature! And other: rookie solider haven't enough TU's to use sniper rifle in right way. He have 54 TU, but shot costs 62. Player can skip so much turns as he wishes, but soldier will never make this stupid aimed shot! I rush all my squad to kill one poor alien from close range and expect of fast and bloody solution. But I don't get it. I get tons of suppression and friendly fire. Developers do not see the forest behind the trees. They carried away with numbers and forget how looks the world around them.
  9. Ouch, balance goes worse and worse so far. I'm not "crying baby", but every new build looks more tedious against previous. 18-th build had good machine guns. You cut them down. 19-th build had goods snipers and grenades. You cut them down too. What we have now? There is no good weapon to fight aliens. All weapons is sh.t now! All my 8-man team stands near one poor Sectoid Non-Combatant and fire him about five turns... And nothing happens! Only suppression! All the ground around him is black, but he is alive! He just standing in the middle of grassy field and does nothing. And I lose more hit points by friendly fire than by his counterattacks. Hallelujah! He is down. Now do the same with next alien and next... Finally, we reach the UFO. Open door - fire, step aside - end turn. Repeat for 10-15 turns. My God! Are you kidding the players? Next mission. Same map, same enemies, same stuck in one poor alien... No, this is intolerable. Alt+F4 is best weapon now! I have bought absolutely different game. Its a pity that the project went on such a path of development. Ground combat must be more deadlier. As for aliens, as well as, for our troops. Machine gun burst with no cover - frag, close range shotgun shot - frag, two sniper shots - frag, grenade, rocket - three frags, left your soldier in the line of fire - frag. Worried that the fight will be too short? Make more aliens! Are you afraid of accidental deaths of our soldiers? Do more injuries with loss of consciousness, as in the original.
  10. I think it's good idea to make shotguns firing bunches of projectiles instead of one powerful one. Just as they really do.
  11. Nobody is talking about completely random maps. Original XCom has big tiles (farms, buildings, lakes, parks etc) of same size. And these tiles were combined in random order to obtain pseudo-random environment. And of course, these tiles has generalized constraints to avoid inadequate combinations. Can you say to me as "game programmer to programmer", why this is impossible in Xenonauts game?
  12. Certainly. Original have macro-constructor, which generate pretty unique and unpredictable maps. In this game we have boring repetitive maps. First is good, and second is bad. Nuff said Thank you for workaround, but I will better wait when this bug will be fixed. In fact, UFO wall can be shoot trough from long distance and after penetration projectile flies many tiles too. Shotgun misses even in adjacent tile, and have no such big damage rate. Moreover, there is almost no map locations where close combat can take place. Even inside the bases.
  13. Oh, my troubles again ended by the saving bug. City terror (sektoids). Game frozen when I open Fog Of War (cursor still moves, but anything else not). Then I reloaded, and all walls and aliens respawned from scratch. I killed them, and game frozen again. And again... and again... This bug described so much time ago, but still actual.
  14. Fist, base defense bug (aliens create invisible borders behind themselves) still unfixed Second, three identical maps in terror missions in row. XCom-1 had random map generator in early 90-s, Xenonauts hasn't it in 2013. Lol. Third, we still have transparent UFO-s with paper walls. It's really cool. Fourth, enemies have no AI at all. They just stand still and firing around. Random-moving enemies will play smarter, I guess Fifth, my Charlie has enough fuel to reach any terrorizing city, but unable to reach enemy base. If I try to relocate it to other base, it flies without crew and then becomes unusable at all: dropship capacity permanently reduces to one man. Sixth, I am unable to equip my Condor-3 with galtling laser from my storage room. Condor-1 and condor-2 was equipped well. Seventh, assault guns same unusable junk, as they were in 18-th version. Eighth, enemies, which invade my base, just wonder near base entrance and don't want to attack me at all. Ninth, my Hunter Car was exploded three times, but successfully returned to my garage. After fourth time, it didn't. Is car has 3 lives? And tenth. Game becomes dull as ditch-water after 3-rd month of game time. Same monsters, same maps, same ships, most of them just explode in air and I can't loot them (fighters and bombers). Game process looks just as hard work, but not as entertainment or challenge. There is no way to play fast and good - I must choose something one. I have to pick out the monster for a monster in same manner - slowly and laboriously. I am unable to flank or ambush them - they observe all map through and sometime even behind the walls. Conclusion: it is too early to look for new projects. You have to earn the trust of people who bought the game on alpha stage and not rush to release it "as is".
  15. Chris, may I know when most critical CTD's will be fixed? I want to continue testing, but these bugs don't let me to play longer than one month from start
  16. Are you plan to remove air combat entirely or it will be game option do skip battle in auto-mode (like auto-combat in HMM3)?
  17. In my case reload in this situation always leads to crash.
  18. Weapons in close range shows strange hit probabilities. Even on adjacent tiles, my burst firing percent is below 50! I stand behind the enemy and we unable to hit each other 2 or 3 turns in row, firing below our legs. This is unacceptable. This makes assault shotguns and pistols almost useless and turns close-range combat to idiotic show.
  19. Some of enemies create invisible and impassable walls behind themselves while moving. When I point these "walls", cursor show fire line to creator. In other words, creator "lefts himself" on all of the tiles he passed through. This bug makes all base defenses impassable for me because I can't reach some of enemies. This is critical bug and very strange why it still unfixed. Is game programmer still busy on resizing of inventory dialog?
  20. It's sounds almost like my idea with difference about ocean battles. Fighter falls down to minimal altitude, where he almost invulnerable to UFO attacks but can't attack itself, turns on forsage and quickly flies out of area. Obviously, player will unable to undo this action and return fighter to battle.
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