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Posts posted by MACtic

  1. I know fire is still in development since there is a flamethrower, but it is removed in this current version due to bugs. Things like incendiary rockets also exist in the game files so it could even be possible to add incendiary grenades.

    I know fire damage is very powerful as well, so it would probably be a good idea to reduce that before adding too much pyro!

    Because there are very few implemented it is hard to test if fire actually spreads.

    Great stuff PerfectDeath, thanks for the info. Good to know it's being worked on. Can't wait!

  2. Hi everybody, my first post here.

    Before I ask my question/post suggestion let me just say that I absolutely love this game. I played the original X-COM(s) and I think this game is true X-COM*2! I love how it closely follows the original and I love the extra touches like soldiers being able to jump over fences, vehicles that can run down street lamps, melee attacks, etc. Really good job.

    Now to my question.

    In original x-com (TFTD) I had a very specific tactic for the mission when aliens attack an island.

    There was a big wooden building in the middle of the map. Usually with few aliens hiding inside.

    My tactic was to equip few soldiers with cannons with incendiary rounds. I used them to shoot inside the building through windows. After few salvoes the ground floor was on fire. What was really cool was that the fire could spread around. Every turn the fire was spreading and in few turns the whole building was on fire burning every alien inside.

    It took some time of course but it was fun to watch them run around in panic before dying. Sometimes a panicked alien would run outside thorough the door but those to do so ended up with a gun pointed in their face.

    It might sound cruel but I'm sure many agrees that there is no room for pity when fighting aliens! ;)

    So, my question is - is it possible to do something similar in this game? If not this is something that would be really cool and could introduce some new tactics to the game.

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