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Posts posted by 4brkfast

  1. I would request larger maps, perhaps that way the soldiers would get a proper field of view range.

    I just want more overall though, different kinetic weapons, ammo types. Incendiary ammo, armor piercing, explosive ammo, high velocity ammo for longer range. Each could have different effectiveness on different aliens, explosives would seem appropriate for the lizards, for example. Proximity mines, or controllable explosives(btw, I really like the C4 timer option, really cool), but adding something like a claymore a soldier can reserve TU for to detonate when an alien steps into the kill zone - or just with trip wires or something.

    I would like to be able to select who my driver and gunner is in the vehicles, preferably from the team I have(who would have traits for this, ie, heavy weapons skill versus small arms). Additionally, the driver TU should be separate from the gunner TU. A trait like bravery could influence the driver as well, regardless of how much metal you have around you, it can still take some guts to drive head-long into weapons fire and danger, especially if they're aliens.

    Larger teams, larger bases, bigger fights. More realistic platoon numbers on large helicopters. I want to send a full company of soliders, 30+ or so, per mission.

    Para troopers of some kind, to perhaps send in before the main team shows up in the chopper.

    I like the game overall, I'll definitely keep playing and hope for improvements. I would hope, eventually, the maps are generally 4x larger with larger fights overall.

    Give the 'recruits' some specialties to start, most of them are X Rangers or something else elite. If the recruit really was ex-Green Barret, shouldn't he/she already be very brave, depending on the former experience? Or a good shot/in good shape, at least?

    It would be a pretty sad day if an anti-alien invasion corps started with 10 people only and 2 F-16's. :)

    Diversity in research, weapon types, ammo types, alien tech, etc etc, is what I'm hopeful for. So that each 'avenue' of research you select will influence your tactics and game.

    There are also some strange bugs, for example, the soldiers don't appear to upgrade all of their traits, and a few missions results were a bit strange, for example, an alien craft had landed undamaged and the core components were listed as destroyed, despite an unharmed craft.

    Again, love the game, thanks for reading.

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