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Posts posted by hachiryoku

  1. Only played through a few hours. Shot down about thirty UFOs. Still using first line equipment. Can't wait to get farther and see what's available. Not messing with spoilers right now.

    The idea came from my thoughts on the OG X-Com. One thing I loved about the game was that I could name them... and Xeno does that as well, which is awesome.

    The thought of naming the characters was great because you feel more invested in that character. Without straying too much from what Chris is doing, the idea would be to capatilize on the personalization of the soldiers. JA2 had that with the self made merc. Some mods even included adding more of them and more faces and voices and etc. to add more options. This idea of personalization is just a thought and could easily not be utilized if the gamer doesn't want it. I know a guy that never renamed any of his x-com soldiers.

    Chris has made a masterpiece. I definately don't want to be the guy that says, "well I would do xyz". That's gotta be annoying to someone who has spent an enormous amount of time developing this from scratch. Kudos to all who helped too. I am just one of the players and do not know everyone by name.

    Thanks for the tip on the kickstarter thing.

    Anyhoo, just thoughts.

  2. Optional uniforms? I noticed the Army guy and a few other things like cops. Would it be hard to add those to options of player uniforms? Maybe even come out with some others as well. Desert cammies, black SWAT, etc.

    I'm sure you have a million other things to do. This is just a thought for the future.

    Wouldn't mind being able to select the faces as well.

    Love what you've done so far. Closest thing to the original X-Com, but yet it has it's own feel.

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