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Posts posted by Sarcastro

  1. My main cause of crashing is from trying to load saves. Unfortunately this is fairly common. Unable to get much farther then 2 months before having to just start over again, as once I crash from a save all the older saves seem unstable then as well.

  2. Edit2:

    I just noticed on day 14(lol); Research is now totally broken. When a research complete, nothing happen. No context menu appear and no new R&D is unlocked. No UFO analysis. No autopsy. Nothing.

    Got the same issue. Anytime a research topic completes it just disappears now. The initial Alien Invasion disappeared after a few days, I then ran a mission and got the new topics. Went to the research and the initial Alien invasion was back with the new topics. I researched 2 of these and they just disappear when completed.

    But the alien AI in much better in the combat.

  3. Had this happen today on a terror mission. Game would just sit about 2 turns in on the hidden movement phase. Reloading from auto-save would not help you would just keep getting it at the same point in.

    Luckily I had a save 2 mins before the terror mission spawned. Loading from here the problem did not happen. If experiencing this a lot I would advise to save prior to landing on any terror mission.

  4. How come the aliens were shooting at me before? I never noticed the bug of them not shooting at me. Current saved game I have 2 troopers in the hospital even, from being shot at (and hit) by aliens.

    Aliens would shoot at your troops with reaction shots only. They would never target your troops during their action phase. Once I figured it out would suppress one then run troops right up to them. During their turn would just crouch and never shoot. If you moved next turn they would then shoot you.

    Great job on getting out a hotfix, made all the difference in the world. Hopefully can fix them seeing you all the time shortly, but between the two options I will gladly take this.

  5. New to game so 18.5 is the only version I know but the only way that your soldiers will be shot at by aliens is by reaction shots. The AI will never shoot at your troops during their phase.

    Hopefully can sort it out, was having a blast playing, but once I realized I really was in no danger made it sort of pointless.

  6. Have only started playing recently, so v18.5 is only build I have played but I have this exact issue. Only time aliens will fire at your soldiers is from reaction fire. Sure the AI seems to be having great little battles between civilians and aliens, but I am largely left out.

    Been having great fun with little I played but once I realized that most of my success was due to not being shot at it took most of the wind out of my sail. Is there any work around to help fix this?(think I saw a mention about removing civies from game but not sure how to do this)

    Also is this new to v18.5 or a know issue? Like I said just started playing but really enjoyed way game plays.

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