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Posts posted by Gene

  1. Sorry I didn't read through entire 50 page discusion, is there a FAQ page for the Community Edition? I'd like to know whether any of the CE changes will eventually be absorbed into the Vanilla edition (so that players that e.g. just download game from Steam and don't know/care to install mods can still get the benefit)

  2. Based on my experience with how other game companies allow modders to extend their game, I suggest adding the following concept to the NDA (whatever it translates to in legalese):

    - Any modifications to the source code you do and distribute under this agreement become copyright of Goldenhawk and may be used by Goldenhawk in any way and for any purpose, with or without permission or attribution. (although the mod author retains the right to use/distribute them).

    This is to ensure that Goldenhawk is able to reintroduce good mods/fixes back into the main game without having to deal with copyright, permission, attribution, royalties, or any other grey area that could otherwise fracture the source into forks which cannot be reintegrated by Goldenhawk without being bogged down in copyright hell.

    (Yes, attribution to modders is a "nice thing to do" in game credits, but it shouldn't be a legal obligation and Goldenhawk should be able to do so at their discretion, otherwise way too much drama (e.g. multiple people worked over a mod and argue about who/how should be credited).

  3. - If an aircraft does not have enough fuel to reach a target, it will now say "No Range" in the ETA column of the launch list

    Perhaps make it say "One-way range" if the aircraft has enough fuel to reach the target, but not enough to make it back even if no time is spent in combat.

    Of course (as with No Range) there will be edge cases because the alien ship moves while you fly towards it, and also because combat takes time, but it would still be a nice benchmark.

  4. This is the proposed Steam stable build. The only updates that will be made to it are bugfixes and small balance changes or animation updates (made to the XML files). This code has been branched completely from the main trunk now and will also form the basis for the new demo that will come when we launch on Steam.

    If the build is branched off the main trunk, how will updates propagate to it? Does this mean that desura build will be updated more often than the steam build?

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