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Posts posted by Serpent

  1. And Call of Duty is a Doom clone. Seriously, there is zero copyright infringing going on here. GDT is mechanically different enough to be an iteration, and most importantly there is no English PC version of Game Dev Story so I don't give a damn.

    Like I said, Clone and just copying an idea and working it into their own concept is two different things. This just seems to me to be the former. As for Doom and CoD, they are different enough for me to not consider them clone (in fact very different, not even a CoD fan).

    Just putting out my thoughts, since it seems like most people seem to think they are hilarious and that they are "good" for doing it. Didn't mean you were. And Ironic is what I'd view it as too.

    Never seen that forum/website but yea, I've read a lot of that, in other places as well. That being people thinking it's very clone-y.

    Just saw the TB bit. And, it's fine with me if they took ideas, and worked it into their own thing, or/and enhanced it. Lots of people didn't seem to think so though. Personally, didn't play either game, just read up on it a little after hearing about this piracy thing.

    Oh, and I do find it humourous. It's a smart way of dealing with pirates, persay. Not the first to do so. I believe one of the LotR games had something similar, where you get to a point and it becomes unbeatable because your guys just die off mid battle or something. Not entirely sure on what it did, myself.

  2. Probably not when they get to the mission site, since the damage is already done. When you send out the chinook there could be an optional pop-up to check equipment. Its something that UFO:ET did well.

    Or just wait for the next build which (I think) fixes the missing equipment bug properly. The current 'dump gear into stores' is a quick fix while the main problem was being worked on.

    Actually, as the game stands right now, you can check/change equipment even if the plane is out. So, making it changeable would really be as simple as added a button that connects to that screen.

    (I actually did change my equipment mid flight, near the terror site, to avoid the no equipment bug)

    Alternatively, it could be done so that you can equip the ship with equipment so that it's changeable at the mission site, even mid mission if you were in the ship. That though, would probably require a bit more work.

    The idea of a last minute check up just came to me because of the bug, but since it's just a good general idea to elp with possible frustration, I decided to request as a suggestion, rather than just a bug fix.

  3. One of the annoying bugs in the game is that character loses their equipment. With the latest version, it seems like it's resolved somewhat, where they get un-equiped when they are hurt. Or at least that's how I'm having it happen. But there are still times I go into battle, forgetting or not knowing, with naked soldiers.

    Is it possible to add in the option to check/change equipment on the list of options when a craft gets to the crash/terror site?

    As it is, you can already edit equipment, even if your characters aren't actually in the base. This would be help with frustration of forgetting to change equipment, and allow double checking as well.

  4. Okay... reading this, I'm slightly lost.

    There were times where I used a character to shoot, but then when I aim to shoot again, he doesn't do anything but loses the ap to do it. At the beginning of this thread I was thinking, maybe he's panicking, but reading that wiki, it seems to be at the beginning of every turn. If that is the case... then it should either be before any character has a movement or before a character moves at all. However, it is after I've already shot once.

    Is that a bug? Not consistent to get a save to show it.

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