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Posts posted by ErvJ

  1. Max_Caine, In MY turn due to reaction fire prior to spotting any aliens my team often gets hit, most times losing 1 team member. I have NOT played night missions. UFO AI has like some type of goggles that enable squad members to see aliens through walls etc. I'm playing V20 stable.

  2. Dear Developers,

    Is there a chance we can get some type of advanced eye wear re-searchable in the game? Reason I'm asking is that during the game on EASY my squad can't even see the aliens before they get hit, many times losing members of the team on their first mission. I find this QUITE ANNOYING! I'm an early adopter of this game from when it was on Kickstarter.



  3. Developers, I'm disappointed that there will be ONLY white soldiers. As a Premium Alpha supporter from when this game was on Kickstarter this is a MAJOR let down. It would have added to the realism of the game to have the CHOICE to have more than just white soldiers. I mean how hard is it to add just two more colors like Brown (blacks) or Beige (latino, oriental etc)to the soldier models? If nothing else can it be added as a Mod? Anyways my money has been given and I look forward to the game.

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