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Posts posted by Quartermaster

  1. One reason you should never feel bad about derailing a topic.

    Aren't kittens cute and fluffy?

    I may have accidentally talking my fiancée into opening up a cattery in the back garden.

    Must remember to dig out some information on how expensive business start up costs are.

    ***Desire to start pointless debate that was not even hinted at in the original post***

    Kittens may be fluffier, but puppies are definitely cuter. They have their cute floppy ears and refer to humans as part of their social group. Plus their little puppy eyes are adorable. Cats just don't love people like dogs do.

    ***Desire satisfied***

  2. Hey, thanks for doing all this stuff. It will come real in handy when the game is out and people start changing stuff in earnest.

    Is the "accuracyReduction" a percentage or a fixed value?

    I just ran a little experiment and the accuracyReduction aspect must not be implemented... I looked at the parameter and assumed it was probably functioning since the rest of the gas stuff seems to working (other than the LOS reduction). When I tested it earlier I focused primarily on getting the explosion/gas set up correctly and implementing the smoke grenade. So frustratingly it does not look like it can actually function as a "smoke grenade" even though it looks to behave as such on the screen.

  3. I'd love to help you out with that, but I detect a kind of arrogant tone to your responses, in short, you'll take these fine folks' money but you won't listen too much cause you know what the game is your designing, and that's what your building.

    I have no idea where you are getting the "arrogant" vibe from. If anything I think Chris has been the most understanding developer that I have ever seen.

    Secondly, game developers do not "take" someone else's money. People give developers money in advance as an investment so that the developer has the funds to better develop the game as they see fit. If one does not believe in the developers ability to deliver a good product then that individual has the choice to not pre-order the game. You have played the demo for free at this point and you can make the choice of whether or not to invest in this development studio, but to come here insult them as not being creative is ridiculous. It is the same as buying single stock (except you didn't buy anything) in a company and going to the board meeting and calling the CEO an idiot. I'm sorry for being this rude towards you but I cannot stand when people behave this way towards people that are passionate about their work and striving to create the best product possible.

  4. In the most recent builds a new file, gas_gc.xml, has been added to the game. This file is used to add different smoke effects when explosions occur. The different gasses/smokes have a number of properties that can be modified to change how they affect your soldiers and aliens. To start find the file in the assets folder of Xenonauts and it using Notepad.

    You should see a file with about 8 different types of smoke/gasses. The first three are hardcoded to the game and linked to environmental effects whereas the remaining five are the result of weapon explosions. Each gas entry has a name, an animation associated with it, and a number of properties that have an effect on how your soldier interacts with it. The properties include how much damage it causes per turn, stundamage, how quickly it dissipates, and how it affects your ability to shoot into it (this parameter is not currently functioning). It is important to note that the damage/stundamage caused by smoke is not currently mitigated by armor (to the author's best knowledge).

    To provide an example of how to add a new gas/smoke we will be adding the smoke grenade to the game (image files exist, but not currently implemented). None of the existing gas/smoke entries is currently a viable option for this weapon, because they give a potential smoke grenade a very strong offensive use because they do a lot of damage or stun damage. Additionally the other smoke/gas entries dissipate too quickly. To add a new smoke grenade effect add the following to the file around the FragGrenadeSmoke entry:

    <GasType name="SmokeGrenadeSmoke">

    <Anim name="particles/lightsmoke/lightsmoke" />

    <Props damage="0" stunDamage="0" dissipationChance="20" accuracyReduction="25" LOSReduction="3" />


    This creates a special type of smoke that will look like grenade smoke, but will not cause damage to the target, will better obfuscate your solders, and take longer to dissipate. Now that we have this new type of smoke, we need a method to deliver it to the battlefield. Namely we need a smoke grenade. Before proceeding, save and close gas_gc.xml.

    Open weapons_gc.xml next and find the entry for "weapon.grenade.smoke". The outline for the weapon is there, but has not been fleshed out yet. Replace the entry with the following:

    <Weapon name="weapon.grenade.smoke" bulletType="grenade" emptySound="Empty Click 1">

    <props range="10" hands="1" recoil="0" weight="1" clipSize="1" reloadAPCost="0" />

    <SingleShot delay="0.85">

    <Set1 ap="20" accuracy="50" />


    <BurstFire />

    <GUIImage name="weapons/ballistic/grenadesmoke.png" />

    <GroundImage name="grounditemimages/grenade2.png" />


    <Ammo name="ammo.none" type="chemical" damage="5" stunDamage="5" mitigation="0">

    <Projectile spectre="projectiles/grenade" />

    <Impact spectre="particles/smallgrenade/small_grenade" gasType="SmokeGrenadeSmoke" fireChance="1" smokeChance="95" radius="5.1" sound="Weapon Gas Grenade" />




    The main effect of this smoke grenade can be seen in the line that begins with "<Impact". As you may have noticed, we have set the type of gas that the explosion it creates to our new smoke. The other properties control what the explosion looks like, how big of a radious the smoke will fill, the probability that an affected tile will be filled with smoke (95%), the sound of the explosion, and the probability of a tile having fire in this (I made this 1% because that actually happened in basic training during a training excercise). Once you are done save and close the file.

    To fully add the weapon, add an entry for the smoke grenade to weapons.xml with the following values (in order of how they should be entered for a single row:

    weapon.grenade.smoke, weapons/ballistic/grenadesmoke, weapons/ballistic/grenadesmoke, ballistic, FALSE, 5, 10, 1, 0.5, 1, 1, 1, ammo.none, 0

    Once you save and exit weapons.xml, add an entry to strings.xml for what the smoke grenade should be referred to as. Namely add the following two values in a new row: weapon.grenade.smoke and Smoke Grenade. The final step is to allow you to play with it in game by adding an entry for the Smoke Grenade to the Items.xml file. Add a new line with the following values (in order of how they should be entered for a single row: weapon.smoke.grenade, 0, Unlimited, weapons/airplane/rocket, Item.Dispose.Destroyed. Once you save this file, open up Xenonauts, start a new regular game, and equip the new grenade to your soldiers.


    You can stop at this point if you want if you do not plan on equipping the smoke grenade as the sole weapon and use it from the quick throw option. However, if you stop here, this is not a full implementation, because you have to create the special spectres (files that control how the soldier's movement is portrayed) for a soldier equipped with the smoke grenade for each armor. If you want to fully implement it do the following: Go to the folder "/assets/units/xenonaut" in your Xenonauts directory. You will see folders for each of the armors listed. For each armor (except "none") open the folder and create a new folder within it titled "weapon.grenade.smoke". Copy the file "solder_spectre" from the weapon.grenade.frag folder for that armor and then paste it into your new folder. Once you have done this you have fully added the smoke grenade to the game.

    Hope you like the new tactical option!

  5. Is it working for you now, IceVamp? I still get an 'unhandled exception' when I try to Update->Replace Data Files.

    Sorry for not getting to it, but I still have not tried working on your error yet. Would it be okay if I sent a special version of the program to you for debugging purposes? I currently do not have much in the way of error catching in the code, but I think once I know where the error is occurring that might be to modify the code so that it works on your computer.

  6. Asian and African portraits:


    Latin portraits:


    Smiling? This is Xenonauts. There are no smiles, only the dread anxiety of dying on the next mission. :P

  7. New Update 5/14/2012

    As a note this is probably the first version that I would consider fully functioning for quick editing everything except for the rocket launcher. As you make changes with this version they are tracked and the data that Xenonauts uses can be successfully replaced when you use "Update->Replace Current Files". Please see the first post for step by step instructions on how to edit things. As always, I recommend having backups of the files just in case.

    Main additions with the latest code are that it should be compatible with other countries now and you can now change the images of weapons usig the "..." button next to them. Please let me know if you have any troubles or if everything works okay so I have a good idea how it is working for others. Here are the links to download the latest code and executable installs:

    Installation: Installation

    Code: Raw Code

    For this version I would prefer if you continued to use the weapon and string files that I have updated. You can still use the old files, but the weapon files that Xenonauts is using to control whether or not an explosion creates smoke or an explosion are not fully functioning for some things (incendiary rockets are an example). You can download the files here:

    Modified Files

    Next update will include:

    - A new display for the rocket launcher so that you can edit the rockets

    - Ability to change the impact and projectile spectres

  8. That smoke idea is interesting.... Does the game have smoke gernades?

    Not yet, but they are pretty much done code wise it looks like. There is an entry in the weapons_gc and I think only one of the image files needs completed to add it.

    The big thing that would need done before it is brought into the game is making smoke do less damage so that troops don't pass out when they walk through two squares of it. Currently the values for this are editable in the gas_gc file.

  9. Firestorm made even veteran skeleton units pretty much obsolete but I scored a temple to Krypta and got some Ancient Liches and they're pretty much a one-unit-army. Quality over quantity is definitely the name of the game in Warlock. A single Lich is worth 20 skeletons.

    I used a similar strategy in my game, but I'm thinking I might try a different strategy this coming time. I'm going to keep a fair number of the high quality troops, but I think it will be helpful to add in a decent number of the 100 goldish value troops to restrict the enemy's movement. I had some instances in my last game where my elite troops got surrounded and annihilated in short order (mostly because I was overconfident). Given that you can resurrect units this probably isn't that big of a deal, but I think with the tons of extra cash I have, more cannon fodder is in order.

  10. With the RPG I think it would be nice to emphasize its real world protability by making it lighter than the current rocket launcher, but making it less accurate and limiting the type of rockets that it can fire to the frag and AP. It could fill a unique niche this way by being a weapon that a soldier could carry in addition to a rifle.

  11. So far I have played two full games of this and I am liking it quite a bit. After the first game (biggest map with 8 opponents) I was worried that the game was a bit too boring in the end game, but my second game (large with 6 opponents) ended up having a chaotic ending and the units I was using at the end were completely different. This game definitely creates some memorable moments. My second game I played on challenging and I remember confidently marching against my neighbor's city with my early army of skeletons just to have it annihilated by a firestorm in one turn and then have one of my cities sacked in addition. I think the game needs some more polish, but I am enjoying it quite a bit. How do you guys feel about it?

  12. I've just finished some fixes to the code to make it compatible with version 10.2 of Xenonauts. The code is now capable of handling whether or not a weapon is integrated (the light drone blaster), the new smoke and fire probabilities, and will update the files based on changes in values. Here are the links to download the latest code and executable installs:

    Installation: Installation

    Code: Raw Code

    Unlike previously I am also including some strings, weapons, and weapons_gc XML files, because of some problems with the ones that are currently out that make the application unable to function properly (mixed methods for smoke and fire). You can download the files here:

    Modified Files

    The fixes include:

    - Alenium Grenades and Medpacks are now labeled correctly in game

    - The weapons file now has firechance and smokechance values for ALL weapons that create an explosion (previously the weapons that still had the old data structure produced no smoke or fire -> See the incendiary rocket)

    - Weapons currently not implemented were cut out (except for the gas, stun, and alien grenades)

    - Slight balance changes including:

    - AP rockets now do less damage than fragmentation rockets and have a smaller radius, but has significantly higher armor mitigation.

    - Incendiary rockets create much more fire than previously.

    - The scatterlaser now has an ammo capacity of 40 and shoots 5 shot bursts. The damage and armor mitigation were also increased. Burst fire AP and accuracy reduced to make it more on par with an upgraded machinegun.

    - Fragmentation grenades now do less damage (damage 60; stun 30).

    - Alenium grenades now actually do 50% more damage (damage 90; stun 45)

    - Weapons coordinated with weapons_gc (show the same values).

  13. I'm guessing you checked this, but since I have no better suggestions at the moment, did you lose any of your modified data with the recent update that is preventing it from working?

  14. You may decide to run like a gazelle (do things faster) or you might keep your head down and crawl (higher AP cost).

    The problem is that the suppression system would have to be incredibly complicated to take into account both of those possibilities.

    Worrying about being taken out of an airsoft game is a little different to worrying that the next burst of plasma would ignite your face.


    I don't see a lot of running around and risking a bullet in the head in this example.

    It is a group of soldiers stuck behind cover while an unseen enemy takes shots at them.

    What I see is this:

    Slow cautious movement to limit the risks (higher AP costs).

    Blind firing to minimise exposure while trying to keep the enemies heads down (reduced accuracy).

    If you were to use this as an example then you would probably also need to increase the cover save of a suppressed unit (if it was in cover) to represent them keeping their heads down.

    I am unsure if that would be necessary.

    The nice thing about it leading to higher AP costs is that it will in turn reduce accuracy (with fewer APs to spend you will need to select less accurate options).

    My own thoughts (This is going to be a bit long):

    I prefer the higher AP cost option (with differential effects for movement and firing) and it should probably be a function of where bullets are landing, the distance of the bullet's impact point to the suppressed soldier (ideally I would do this as a function of how close it was in the bullet's path, but that would be too difficult to figure out probably), the soldier's bravery, how protected they are against that type of damage, and if they are in cover already. Whether or not the soldier has cover would dramatically alter the soldier's ability to react. If in cover, the soldier would receive bigger penalties to movement, but relatively smaller penalties for accuracy whereas if out of cover they would receive smaller penalties to movement (you need to get out of there ASAP), but bigger penalties to accuracy. I would use functions that would look similar to the following to

    accomplish this:

    'To determine whether or not the soldier is affected by a bullet this will calculate a factor value that will be used to calculate the change based on the suppression

    ' This will use one constant that could be set in the initiatilzer file:

    ' ThreatRange = 7 'Only if you are within seven squares will this affect the soldier

    Function SuppressionFactor (impactPoint, soldierLocation, optional radius = 0) As Single

    'Use pythaogrean theorem to calculate the distance and then if a blast, subtract the radius

    Distance = sqrt((impactPoint.X - SoldierLocation.X)^2 + (impactPoint.Y - SoldierLocation.Y)^2) - radius

    If distance <= ThreatRange Then

    'Use an logarithmic function to decrease the amount of suppression based on the range (so if at the threshold this won't have much of an effect)

    SuppressionFactor = 1 - Log(distance, (ThreatRange+1)) 'This is the log of the distance with the base being the Threatrange (The +1 is so ensure that at the maximum range the suppressionfactor is not 0)


    SuppressionFactor = 0

    End If

    Return SuppressionFactor

    End Function

    'The following code would be inserted wherever it would be handled when bullets impact

    SuppressiveForce += (SuppressionFactor(impact, distance, radius) * (Damage - Armor))

    If amountOfCover > 0.10 then 'to account for random smoke this is not just greater than 0

    Soldier.MovementSuppression += SuppressionForce * 0.7

    Soldier.AccuracySuppression += SuppressionForce * 0.3


    Soldier.MovementSuppression += SuppressionForce * 0.2

    Soldier.AccuracySuppression += SuppressionForce * 0.8

    End If

    'THE following code would be used after the turn ends to calculate the AP and Accuracy Penalties

    'Would use the following constant for the accuracy penalty rate (AccuractyLost per amount of AccuracySuppression = Bravery)

    Soldier.AccuracyPenalty = Soldier.AccuracySuppression / Bravery

    Soldier.MovementPenalty = Soldier.MovementSuppression /Bravery

    'THE following code would be used when firing (the plus 1 is in place in case there is no penalty it would function normally)

    Accuracy = (BaseAccuracy - Cover)/ (Soldier.AccuracyPenalty+1)

    'THE following code would be used when moving

    MovementCost = BaseMovementCost * (Soldier.MovementPenalty+1)

  15. Hey all,

    I wondered if anybody knew how you'd go about adding an entirely new item to the game? I tried to add the AK47 as a new weapon, but couldn't get it to appear in game. I created entries for it in the following files: weapons_gc, strings, items (and set it to the same status as the ballistic weapons so it was available from the start of the game). I thought that would do the trick, but no joy. I wasn't sure how I'd go about getting the game to use the weapon but I was surprised I couldn't even get it to show up in the equip screen.

    Anybody have any idea what else I'd need to do? And if I can get it to show up in the base screens, any tips on getting it set up for use in a mission?

    Thanks in advance!

    You will need to make additions to the following files to add the AK-47:

    - weapons_gc.xml

    - weapons.xml

    - ammos.xml

    - items.xml (add a line for both the weapon and its ammo)

    - strings.xml

    - set up spectres for each type of armor for soldiers carrying the weapon. I would use the current assault rifle as a basis

    Based on what you listed it looks like you still need to do weapons.xml and the spectres. Weapons.xml is what controls how it displays in the equipping menu.

  16. Tomorrow or Wednesday night will be when I will update the download for the latest version. I had it completed for 9.5, but 9.5.1 changed the files so I still need to do a bit of an overhaul. The program is holding value changes pretty effectively and seems to be working well. This next version should allow for quick, easy value changing.

  17. I get this when trying to load current values;


    I'm looking at the screen that you provided and it looks like the boxes that hold the numbers have commas in them instead of decimals. Is that relevant for where you live? Could you check the following for me: If you change the reaction modifier value for the pistol in the data file to "1,8" instead of "1.8" does the number error pop up or change from 1.8 to another number?


    You can still do the above, but it looks like there are regional differences in how periods and commas are used in numbers. I will try to figure out a good way to handle this and when I update the program (after the new version comes out) I will try to fix this so that it functions more universally.

  18. Loads fine for me now but I get 'Unhandled Exception' if I try to Save->Save As or Update->Replace Data Files:

    Are any XML files created? The issue could either be that it can't make the files or that Excel is running at all (I use it to open and resave the file that the code creates so that it is better formatted for Xenonauts).

    Also what happens if you click continue?

  19. I was going to try it out but I can't remember where the 'heavy' flag should go.

    I also can't get QM's program to run.

    If I install it in my xenonauts folder it comes up with a window asking for my path but won't accept it (C:\Program Files (x86)\Desura\Common\xenonauts).

    Add a slash to the end of the path. It was a quick fix so it isn't too intelligent at this point. Try "C:\Program Files (x86)\Desura\Common\xenonauts\" (the same thing with the backslash at the end)

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