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Posts posted by radiognomeinvisible

  1. Okay, another battleship, with these lizard people this time. Less than 20 enemies this time. The crash itself is in a much better condition (minor damage) - less missing internal walls and such. Perhaps, "severe crashes" get negative (or is it positive) crew change - instead of being decreased it gets increased?

  2. Looks like it's possible to rapidly heal your soldiers. For example, your soldier had been wounded on a mission and requires 10 days to fully heal. But if you take him on the next mission, all his lost / un-healed hitpoints will show up as "greyed-out" - healable by medikits. You can actually patch up your soldier to full health during the mission, and he won't need any more hospital time after that. Sounds like the major exploit to me.

  3. Another Battleship bug. Quite the opposite of "missing crew" really. As i understand from Xenopedia entry, battleship should have 14 or 16 crew onboard. The one i've assaulted had over 30 Androns (32 to 36, do not remember the exact number). Is this intentional? If yes, then i do not think that's a good design decision. The map is too small for this number of enemies and the tactical combat turns into "spray and pray".

  4. Thanks to your screenshots, i've found out that you actually can zoom in the Geoscape. I had no idea.

    Also, i've kinda noticed a small factual error: Ekaterinburg (Russia) was called Sverdlovsk and St. Petersburg was Leningrad back in 1979. Sure, no big deal, as you kind of explore "alternative history" theme here, but i think it isn't too hard to fix this.

  5. As i understand, the Fighters / Heavy fighters have no ground assault missions and you should not be able to intercept them with your Charlie. But. After your soldiers win the assault against the UFO sitting on the ground (landed, NOT downed) its escort actually stays on the ground. So, after you're done with the main UFO, you're actually able to target its Escort Fighters. The ground combat mission starts loading, and the game crashes.

  6. I, too, think this game needs some kind of tutorial or more detailed manual. For example, i've got a few questions after playing just a couple missions.

    *What are these events (crop circles, abductions, etc) appearing all around the globe? Can i react to these somehow, or these are just for "seasoning"?

    *How do i capture a live alien? I don't see any stun devices in the inventory, and the flashbang seems to serve some other purpose.

    *How do i change the default grenade in the grenade slot?

    For the veterans these questions might seem a little bit stupid, but the new players less familiar with the genre might waste a lot of time trying to figure out all this. Sure, it's fun to find out something by yourself, but perhaps some basic things should be shown and explained.

  7. Hello.

    I'm trying to preorder "Xenonauts", but PayPal keeps rejecting me with "We're sorry, but we can't send your payment right now" message.

    It does not look like a temporary problem - i'm trying for two days now.

    I've checked my card and PayPal account, both are valid. Moreover, Steam or GOG, for example, process my PayPal payments just fine.

    This is my first purchase on Desura, and i'm not sure if there are some purchase limitations i should be aware of.

    Perhaps, someone had encountered a similar problem and knows some kind of solution or workaround?

    Also, will Xenonauts be available as a pre-order on Steam?

    Thank you in advance and please excuse my bad english.

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