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Posts posted by Freelandr

  1. Ah, your hint gave me enough to figure it out. I had all my troops throw grenades at the ceiling. Sounded out where the last guy was then spammed him with stun grenades. Thanks!

    I had the same thing< i restarted the mission a couple of times because I thought it was a glitch (which obviously it is) trying to get them to work, I did the same Waladil and completed the mission


  2. As already been said, night missions already work in very similar way - if you move out one who spotted enemy, you no longer can target that enemy, cursor just don't highlight that spot anymore.

    It doesn't mean that you as a player do not know about where he was and cannot spam bullets/grenades/rockets his way trying to catch him in a blast and/or suppress radius =)

    I often grenade or rocket an area i knew an alien was last known to be, I dont know if thats supposed to be able to happen but I use any advantage I can think of to win the lvl.

  3. Fire and explosion

    fire explosion

    The effects of accidental fires or explosions can be devastating in terms of lives lost, injuries, damage to property and the environment, and to business continuity. Working with flammable liquids, dusts, gases and solids is hazardous because of the risk of fire and explosion.


  4. Still, imagine the shock at there being a knock on the door of your Chinook mid flight. There's a DHL guy standing there, waiting on your signature for the armour.*

    *this is obvious fantasy as, in reality, the DHL** guy would have went to the wring city with a badly damaged box of staples instead of armour.

    **you can substitute in the delivery company you don't like if you like DHL.

    That is very fitting after the week I had last week with courier companies. ur a funny guy thothkins. :D

  5. That was a test. You passed. For now...

    Oh Freelandr...come here a sec...I need you to check this Hellhound out...

    I dont believe u really wanna show me a hell hound, I think its a ploy to get me "hot" under the collar and for me to share my cookies,

  6. For me, it's the first time I have actually been able to get down and enjoy myself playing the game, as bugs would always bugger up my fun in some way or another, there are still bugs, but it is now playable. So I also give a huge codus to all of the dev team!

    I am frikkin loving it. Get a stable beta on green light, and this has to popular. Don't know if this is possible, but it would be a great spring board for the game.

    Im really enjoying getting further into the game too, Building the first set of laser weapons was pretty cool and it not freeze on me,


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