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Posts posted by Confidor

  1. For those that are interested I have a number of games/mods that could be suggested, Ill put these into point form for less clutter and a link to find them

    OpenXcom - http://openxcom.org/ (A mod for the original Xcom worth a look a breathes new fire to a well established game as you guys would know)

    Long War for Xcom EW - http://www.nexusmods.com/xcom/mods/88/? (Brilliant mod for a great game, A mod not suited for a faint at heart, It brutal and unforgiving, you're not going to have a free ride with this mod. Its even been praised by the Xcom developers.

    UFO extraterrestrials gold GrayFiend's UniMod - http://ufogr.com/ (A mod that makes this very very average game into something spectacular. Bring new life into an otherwise dead game. For those that have horror nightmares from the original, Play this mod and you'll be pleasantly surprised.

  2. If someone does mod in grenadelaunchers they need to give the Aliens similar weapons as to balance it out otherwise you can start a mission with 8 grenadiers and just blow the shit out of everything!

    Atm I believe human grenades should be almost completely useless Vs the tougher aliens

    You could limit the weapons range E.g having 1/2 the effective range of a standard rifle as an example. Having 8 grenadiers on the field would be very risky.

  3. Regarding #2, Xenonauts has one key thing that UFO:AI does not: destructible terrain. This really matters for indirect fire weapons. In UFO:AI grenade launchers are primarily outdoors weapons, but if they could be used to punch holes in walls and flatten interior areas, they'd quickly become overpowered. What works in one game often breaks another.

    Wouldnt Break it by any means. grenade launchers in UFO:AI had a limited range. Any standard Rifle could out range them. To be effective one would have to be in range of a hostile or an ally using it strategically to create flanking opportunities. Or Even to go further with the weapon to have some form of suppression feature just like any LMG could.

  4. Thanks for getting back so quickly.

    I completely understand about the jets and balance. As for the indirect weapons you could limit there maximum and minimum range. Alter that they must be shot without being in cover, Using them indoors pose a serious threat to personnel and civilians.

    As for number 4. I just mentioned this as it could bring more strategic consequences. Just say you have 4 guys injured all being riflemen, the next few missions could prove difficult as you have to chance a heavy that's very competent in his role into a riflemen that's Mediocre.

    I love what I'm seeing with this game. Being a veteran of the original using Dos and 3 /12 inch floppies and Using the codes from the manual to get into the game.. Wow that brings back some memories.. Keep up the great work.

  5. Hi Guys First time poster

    As the title suggests I have a few thoughts Id put out there and see what you think. If anything I have suggested has been posted I apologize.

    I'm not sure if any of have played Ufo: Alien Invasion, Its a Open source game with alot of ideas I like and was wondering if it was plausible to add and if not why don't you think it would work.

    1. Jets Customizable. Basically you can add electronics to your craft IE: Weapon tracking systems that give 25% hit chance or ECM Jammer so you could dodge incoming threats or even Advanced Composite Components that might give extra Armor that would make your craft last longer but the downside make there Top speed or cruise speed slower.

    2. Weapons. I thought this was quite a cool idea. Grenade launchers for example have more modes of fire such and Air-burst basically there's an alien behind cover you can shoot it releasing a hail of metal on him. Another mode of fire was timed in which the gun was fired and the Projectile didnt explode until it stopped and Ufo:AI some maps are uneven and follow the path of least resistance.. I even had a "oh shit.. well.. Should have known that would happen" moment where I shot it inside a House only to kill my squad and a few Civies

    3. Pilots. I know this is in the FAQ on why you guys don't think it would work I'm just putting it out there. Pilots that would gain experience therefore becoming better at dog fighting with the enemy. Which brings another idea if your pilot has been shot down and if he survives (Ejection seat -could be another customization where if your craft is shot down has something like 15% chance to live) there could be a Search and Rescue mission to bring him home before the Aliens find him. Like something where you have full vision of where he is and you can control him. The pilot only equipped with a Handgun or nothing where you have to bring him back to your craft for extraction or just kill everything.

    4. Weapon Proficiency . In Ufo:AI the more you use a weapon class the more proficient you get with it. Just say you use Assault rifles exclusively for 1 of your soldiers he will go in time from Poor to good to great or even Not Competent to Competent. Gaining modifiers such as slight aiming bonuses to better reaction times.

    Thats all I can think of to add atm if I come across anymore things in which may improve this game Ill just add it to this as of now Id like to know what you think of these ideas

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