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Boar Head

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Posts posted by Boar Head

  1. 4 hours ago, Chris said:

    Thanks for the feedback. I think you've found a bug in the game there - if there's a string of adjacent cover with the same or less stopping chance than the original adjacent cover (i.e. the box), then it should all be ignored. In this case that means the wall should be ignored because it's adjacent to the box, which is correctly being ignored.

    However it doesn't seem to be working here for some reason, so we'll take a look at what's going on.

    Ah I see, that certainly makes more sense. I hope my post was helpful in some way then, even if just illuminating a bug. Thanks for taking the time to reply back!

  2. I'm starting to enjoy the game quite a bit but I can't help but feel a bit concerned regarding how rudimentary and poor the game's logic still is when it comes to what it considers as cover. See the image below, my soldier is aiming over some waist high objects at a Cleaner. The box is next to him so the game goes "Ok, you're good there, no way that's blocking the shot oh but what's this? There is a waist high wall adjacent to that box and you are NOT next to it therefore, it might block your shot".

    It's just a bit frustrating that even with the game's upgrade to 3D from X1, though obviously an immense improvement, there is still stuff like this that just doesn't make any sense and pulls me out of the experience. If the Cleaner in the image was crouching then maybe I'd see why there'd be a chance for the shot to get blocked but he's standing up 2 feet away from my soldier and he's completely exposed from the torso up, the box nor the wall should count as cover.

    Are there any improvements or fixes being worked on for things like this? Or is it just going to be something I have to put up with as long as I play this game? I think a basic fix would be to somehow take into account distance and whether or not the target is crouched behind partial cover objects. It might already work like this, I don't know, but I think waist high objects should only provide half their cover bonus if the target is standing, just to alleviate the issue a bit (So that in the situation depicted in the image below for example, there would at least only be a 20% chance of the shot getting blocked rather than a whopping 40%). 

    When it comes to the distance, I think waist high objects' cover bonus should vary highly depending on the distance between the shooter and the target. Obviously if I'm standing next to their cover, it should work as it does now, no way the shot is getting blocked. But I don't think it needs to immediately be considered a full low cover block the instant there is an extra tile in the way. It should be like a 5% chance for the shot to get blocked, then increment that slowly the larger the distance. I think overall that would make low cover way more interesting and also only reserve shots blocked by low cover in those types of situations as utter catastrophes rather than common occurrences.

    (With the stuff I've mentioned here, the situation below would make the waist high wall a 2.5% chance that my shot gets blocked, 5% divided by 2 due to the target standing).


    I hope this feedback makes some sense and I hope I didn't come off as too presumptuous, I'm not a game dev of course so maybe you guys have some good reasons for why things work the way they do but I personally feel like the changes I've mentioned above would make the game way more satisfying and "logical". Thanks for taking the time to read!


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  3. Primarily close range bonuses? I was hoping this game would be more of a return to classic style xcom style gameplay which it mostly is except for how accuracy works. Especially now that we're in a post Phoenix Point world, a game which has a lot of its own issues of course but one which made its shooting a hell of a lot better, I just don't really see why this game thinks it's alright to be right in front of an enemy with a shotgun and only have an 86% or so chance to hit?

    At least in the Firaxis games you could get the high ground on enemies, holo-target them, and utilize certain perks as well to grant flat chance increases to your hitchance. This game doesn't have any of those things (nor should it) but I feel like once my soldier is close enough to put the barrel down the alien's throat then they should have a 100% to hit.

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  4. To start off with, I'd just like to say I'm really enjoying the game so far and am real excited for the finished product.

    So feedback; I think abduction mission civilians need a bit of tweaking as currently they have a high chance of just getting shot once rescued from the abduction pods which is just a bit weird since the game doesn't acknowledge this in any way and still considers those civilians saved (even though all you saved them from was some probing). To begin with, I think civilians should not count as saved if they are killed during a mission, at the very least there should be a penalty. However to reduce the chances of dumb civvies getting murdered there are a couple of ways to make this less likely:

    1. Either have rescued civilians drop unconscious once saved meaning explosives and the like could still kill them but this is far less likely than them stumbling into an alien and getting shot.

    2. Allow us to control civilians we save meaning it's up to us to actually keep them safe for the duration of the mission once we have rescued them.

    3. If this isn't within the scope of the mission then just have rescued civvies disappear after they're saved so they don't just get murdered.


    Now for some miscellaneous stuff:

    1. It would be nice if gas masks appeared on soldiers' battlescape models if they have one equipped. It adds to the game's visuals while also preventing having to double check soldier inventories again and again.

    2. I don't know if I just couldn't see it but the post-mission breakdown doesn't seem to show you which soldiers got kills, this would be nice to see.

    3. I'd much prefer a to see the current date in the Geoscape rather than 'Days passed', I just think it's cooler.

    4. This might be more of a bug than a design issue but I don't think waist high objects should interfere with shots when your target is several feet above said waist high object. (see image below)

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.


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