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Posts posted by MLGertzert

  1. They MAKE you connect your freaking youtube account to a google plus account. If that's not bad enough, you can't even easily change your information because you have to go to your google plus and you have to go through all the pop-ups saying YOU SHOULD JOIN SOME CIRCLES instead of just letting me change my profile picture or name or whatever. I wanted my name to just be MLGertzert, but no, google plus makes you have to have a first and a last name, so unless I want my name to be ML Gertzert or something stupid like that, I NEED TO PUT SOMETHING RANDOM IN FRONT OF THE-

    What's that?

    Calm down?

    Alright, fine.


    Edit: WTF? It changed me title to UFO: Alien Invasion... woo tamans?



  2. This is a bit of an odd question, but do you think it's immoral in any way to pirate something you already own. For example, I own EU2012 for the X-box, and with all these mods coming out, I'd really like to try them out, but $62 for the whole package (if you count the DLCs), it's a little ridiculous.

  3. Awesome. A very interesting play style. And the rarest map type in the game! Suthra, haha!

    As for heavy cannon usage, fire them with snap shot. They can do enough damage to kill anything less than a snakeman if they hit nearby with a hit or two. And since hitting an alien with any gun projectile or blast (including grenades) gives firing experience my Heavy Cannon guys get very accurate very fast. And really strong. Perfect for explosive throwing.

    As for gear: 2 HE clips when I can carry that much. Then as many HE packs as I can fit. Bomb everything. Lone Sectoid? Nuke it. Enemy probably in the area? Nuke it. Orchard? Better nuke it.

    Yeah, I typically just click my guys in the general direction of the UFO until I find an alien. I'll be sure to adjust your loadout, but I have a few parts I haven't uploaded yet so it might be a while.

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