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Posts posted by Jarwy

  1. And now the demo has been tested. I try to focus on what is actually in the demo rather than what is not yet implemented, but I'll drop a few recommendations.

    Graphics: Having played and enjoyed the first game, X2 looked immediately familiar. The graphics style looked very similar to the first game, except with higher videlity. I didn't find much use for camera turning in this one, but it is nice to have. It also made the black void that is the end of the map seem more apparent than I remember from Xenonaunts. It would be nice if something could be done to this "black void". Soldiers and aliens looked good. Visually, I noted two types of armour on friendlies, but naturally it would be nice if every soldier had something a little different on them.

    Animation: Soldier movement was more smooth and seemed to work well and aliens had pretty much the same style of animation which worked well for Ceasans, but not for the Sebelians (the lizards). I think this alien needs a different style of animation.

    Gameplay: Obviously missing a few features, like cover indicators, but I'm sure you got that covered, hehe. Speaking of cover, it doesn't seem to work correctly right now. I believe the way it used to work was that the cover that the soldier was using, didn't hinder the shot, but it does block soldiers own shot in this demo, making fighting from cover a pain. Suppression was still there, but it didn't seem as good as before or perhaps mr. corporal with the machine gun was just an awful shot.

    The terrain looks better now, but there are a few odities. The soldiers can step up on a higher ground that is visually as high as half cover objects next to it, but they somehow can't step on said half cover objects or go through them. I would also like more information displayed, a lot more information about everything. I liked all the cover blocking pop-ups as you aimed your shot and what I assume was the tiles that the suppression would affect. Information about what affects my shot percentile, range, height, wounds, etc.

    AI: It looked very clear cut the way aliens acted. Sebelians (or whatever they are called) charged close, seasoned Ceasans stayed back to take their shots and little runt Ceasans? also charged almost as if to attract fire from more dangerous targets. Making good AI is probably the most difficult thing in video games, so on that ground, I was initially impressed with the aliens. The seasoned Ceasan aliens, however, did not react to my flanking soldier at all and they had 2 turns to do so since his aim and damage output was complete garbage. They also didn't try to take a shot at this particular soldier and instead tried to kill a longer distance target. I would say that the AI failed to consider its units cover from all angles.

    Overrall impressions: Are pretty meaningless, since this was just a showcase for one aspect of the combat, shooting the gun from cover, but I will say that I'm glad you guys haven't departed too far in the direction of the new Xcom.

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