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Posts posted by Chollirem

  1. well they should both suppress the target the same but a grenade is meant to kill, kill range of 5 meters, wound range of 15, flash bang takes you out of the fight but is used to keep someone down so you can grab em...

    for example if you have a stun rod, you dont run up to a armed alien and stun him...you would get shot, you flash bang him till hes all "WTF!", then run up and stun him.

    if you use a grenade you could stun the little pieces of him that are left...but thats not gona help if you want a live alien....unless he has very ...VERY bad @$$ armor and then he still may bleed to death

    Each weapon its job, each alien its grave : )

  2. Well honestly no army has a person using 2 weapons at once, even pistols

    that and you would have to make a new sprite sheet for it...and like apoc give both weps a -50 to aim or somthing

    as for flame throwers and canisters, the army looked at that, but the cost over ruled the safty factor...and then yes, they put it in tanks until flame throwers became outlawed weapons in war


    when your facing genocide...cost isn't a issue...and aliens aren't human...didn't even show up at Geneva (that we know of)


    (sung to the tune of the Christmas song AKA chestnuts roasting)

    Chestnuts roasting on a burning corps

    and aliens screaming fills your ear

    Xenonauts singing, as the aliens burn

    All dressed in tin foil cloths

  3. hmmm well i played and beat EU2012 on classic and with MP time I got in like 80ish hours...but I still play Apoc, tftd, and UFO...got them for 20 bucks...20 years ago...THAT is good bang for the buck...

    but if you realllllly want to go into the nitty gritty on why people dislike XCOM EU...a game with 4 years plus dev time.... in a open source engine.... and has more bugs then any game from a AAA publisher would normally allow...

    read these two posts some time...its good fun : )...and ya...op...you missed a lot on why xcom eu2012 fails, but

    Im sure you will LOVE this : D




  4. even if they are off to the left or right, rockers and grenades direct hit xeno troopers if they are even semi between you and alien target




    tx= xeno shooting rocket or throwing grenade

    it seems to almost every time hit "X" when I aim at "A"

    and by hit I mean grenade lands tween his feet, or rocket hits him dead center




    after this the two soldiers had all their gear blown up, one bleeds to death then came out "alive" at end mission screen

  5. Smoke grenade is possible trigger, I threw one, it landed at a soldiers feet (instead of the spot I wanted) soldier made death sound during hidden movement leaving just his medipac on the ground, later, aliens shot and killed a second soldier and wounded a third in area smoke grenade used to cover.

    at end of mission the two dead soldiers needed 4 days in the hospital to recover, the heavy wounded survivor needed 17 days in the hospital

  6. Ya Ive seen that, have to send my chopper with fighter escort ever place now (they shot my chopper down!)

    ... on the topic of air combat, can we like hold shift and click way points we want our fighters to follow, this air combat could get very deep from a strategy stand point. Its a lot of fun dealing with 3 alien fighters and the like too.

    can we send more then 3 fighters on a mission though?

    p.s. max_caine...your the man

  7. yup, as tornado said, In short to beat a lot of this you would use a lot of this with diff weapon configs be it tank to spot for snipers, flash bangs to clear houses if its a inside x shaped ambush. And as you play around you will figure out other fun tricks to use.

    but basically i would use a rolling linear ambush like I do now, find the enemy, and figure out from what I see how to kill him best.

    We like 3 to 1 numerical advantage against a enemy IRL, so I would use that as well

    I use the army wedge a lot to

    x --->

    ......x --->

    ...........x --->

    x --->

    gives good 180 degree fire arc and the wider the better, lets the far end soldiers have mild flank on targets in front of the lead soldier

    often used when im sending 4 troops from corner a to corner b

    the rolling linear ambush below is also good

    x --->

    x --->

    x --->

    x --->

    used when going left/right, or up/down on the map

    finally stuff like this will separate your game from the posers, you can be all like we actually HAVE military strategy in out game, SUP! lol

  8. ya I'm new to pictures in this forum, sue me : P

    As for us players, you can use all of these to good effect on alien forces simply by making 3-4 man teams and "moving" the ambush around the aliens

    I often use the linear ambush and move it acrost the map. As you find and kill aliens one side of the line always gets slowed down, meaning the faster side forms the flanking side of the L shaped ambush

    the slower units gets on line and holds its ground as the faster troops make the flanking side of the L(flanking side) and then push across with flank fire from the slower soldiers who are now on line and shooting at aliens

    (If this is confusing let me know Ill fraps a video, put it on you tube and link it to here)

    but it looks like this















    dead aliens




    keep in mind even my small scouts have 20-30 aliens so I have lots of business and business is good


  9. liniarambush.jpg

    In the linear ambush the enemy gets on line, usually using cover like the long fences in some maps, once the enemy comes in range they simple react fire, once their turn starts, the aliens free aim on the closest target to take out soldiers with over whelming fire superiority.

    Its important to note they can move forward on line like this sweeping an area, the other option is the right half moves up, ends turn then the left half gets on line and ends turn, and they repeat, its slower but exposes less of the alien forces as they advance and leaves the side standing to free aim targets the moving side spots for them

    IMPORTANT, the "bait alien" starts with his group, then moves out away from the group half his AP and then run back

    This can be used with any ambush


    The L shaped ambush is set up to remove your ability to have effective cover, no mater what you do, one side of the L can shoot at you in most situations.

    Once this is engaged the aliens should wait 1 or 2 turns and just shoot at you, if you try and advance then they fire away, if you retreat they should fall back and try something new or hold this ground if its all they got

    Again, this will work well on fence lines so they have some cover


    The Z shaped Ambush is a modification of the L shaped ambush, when the aliens have no clue what direction you may come from, this gives them 360 Degrees of adjustable fire power to bring to bear on you. If the Xenonauts come from the left or right of the formation shown, the 3 aliens there should engage the enemy and the aliens behind and out of sight should set up the proper ambush or advance if they horribly out number the xenonauts 3 to 1


    The Y shaped ambush, best in your game when the lower aliens in the Y can be hiding behind a building so as you walk past they are close, can react fire, and shoot at you, normally you would have groups making up each leg of the Y with cover or massive numbers for fire power if out in the open

    IMPORTANT, the "bait alien" should run to the middle of the Y once he sees any one with a gun, wait 2 turns and then go looking for armed enemy civs/xenonauts again

    X Shaped Ambush (since I'm limited to 5 pics per post and I need 6 Ill draw it out here for you)




    This in your game will work best indoors with aliens taking up the 4 corners of a room and waiting for xenonauts to walk in. If smoked or flash banged they should try and head upstairs, out of the building or stand and fight 33% across the board on chance the alien group pick option 1, 2, or 3

    If aliens can lean around corners then buildings outside allow the use of this ambush style

    IMPORTANT, like the Y ambush the "bait alien" runs back to the center of the ambush once he sees armed cix/xenonaut so in this set up he would run into the building that they are holding (figure the lizards with poor eye sight and aim would use this a lot)


    so...we went over how the aliens wait and bait, lets talk how they move

    This is a rolling linear ambush,




    1 based on cover alien 1 moves first
    2 if no targets are seen the rest move up on line
    3 if a target is seen, the aliens in the back shoot at the target

    3a if all targets killed, lead alien goes forward to his pre picked cover
    3b if targets still active, lead alien falls back to his line

    start of next turn the AI get goes back to doing 1 2 3

    Next is the basic army wedge, the idea is you expose the smallest number of your group to the enemy while maintaining easy 360 degree fire arc with little chance of shooting your own. Again you use the lead element to find and point out targets for guys in the back





    in this mock op, A3 moves first, followed by a2 then a1 then a4

    as above
    1 Lead alien moves to a pre picked spot
    2 if no targets are seen the rest move up
    3 if target seen the aliens in the back shoot at the target

    3a if all targets killed, lead alien goes forward to his pre picked spot
    3b if targets still active, lead alien falls back so he cant see the target (unless no good cover is in range then he runs to what ever cover is around and holds it).

    from here aliens get on line and push up 1 scout so the boys in back can shoot the target

    NOTE with both of these set ups, the lead alien doesn't move forward until his team catches up, so after combat they get back into formation if they win and resume mission

    Hope this helps
    if not in this game then the next












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