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Posts posted by Kaeladar

  1. Hello,

    This does not seem to be reported yet but i checked with an earlier version and it already existed.

    Steps to reproduce:

    - Go to the soldiers screen in the base

    - Open the assignment dropdown menu to change a soldier's assignment

    - Change your mind and hit ESC to go back to the geoscape

    - Crash

    It is 100 % reproduced for me, with my saves or a fresh new game.

    For the technical side of things:

    The instruction where the crash happens is

    009D926D |. 8B49 04 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+4]

    It tries to access the address ECX+4 which is: FEEEFEF2

    This memory is not mapped.

    the ECX register contains FEEEFEEE, which is the magic number used by microsoft to indicate memory that has been freed.

    So my theory is the games fires 2 events when hitting ESC, one to close/delete the dropdown menu and one to close the whole page and go back to the geoscape. And when the dropdown menu event is handled, the page has already been closed so it tries to access freed memory ?

    Obviously I might be wrong since i don't know the code, but it should be close enough.

  2. I'd say the AI is now as good as, if not better, than the AI in the original game. Again, if you disagree then let us know why.

    I have not played the original a lot and I was young at the time. But from what i remember the AI was better than what i just experienced on my first battle with v18.5.

    I got "ambushed" by an alien hidden behind a wall, I thought my soldier was dead but the alien just ran away instead of killing my soldier. And it did not even hide so i got an easy kill.

    Then the aliens got completely crazy, they started shooting walls and air. They were probably aiming at civilians but they were too far away, with too many obstacles/walls between them. The civilians had the same behavior, the policeman was just shooting walls and going crazy.

    However the update is pretty good overall, the game feels more complete.

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