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Posts posted by DonStealth

  1. The more there are PAYING customers in relation to production costs, the lesser are the prices. Just check the prices on AppStore. When there are 100 million PAYING customers it's very affordable to sell the game for 79 cents.

    The above economic assumtion is actually incorrect, as probable as it may seem. It holds true in a case of perfect market with other producers creating an equal product. However there is no perfect market, all information is never revealed to all and most of all games are different to eachother.

    The pricing according to costs was the old defacto way of pricing for most companies. Cost + (reasonable) markup = end price. Now however another model is used. The price is set to sell an expected number of units which maximizes profit (Prize per unit * units) / (cost per unit * units).

    Nevertheless piracy is still wrong, just letting you know that there's a "new" pricing strategy in town.

  2. This thread is too funny! =)

    Metric ftw!

    Gauddlike: If I wanted to make heaps of money I would bring swedish construction workers to the UK and build proper houses, with proper heating, proper plumbing, proper insulation and noooo carpets in the bathroom (And designer mixer taps will be mandetory). I'd make a fotune..

    Unfortunatly I want to keep working in IT ;)

  3. Also there is "civilian" with shotgun that looks like a xenonaut soldier when jumping over a fence. It was a while ago that I noticed it but I forgot to post it then =/

    Should be on the farm map I assume (as that is where they carry shotguns no?)

    Keep up the good work! The new maps looks better and seem more difficult as it forces me to separate my forces. (I like more difficult)

  4. Someone claiming that DRM is a reason to pirate is like complaining that people become criminals because someone decided to create a legal system.

    The main reasons that I pirate(d) is due to DRM. The two main issues I had with DRM are:

    1. I want things to work. When I buy music I want to be able to listen to it. When I buy/rent a movie I want to be able to watch it. When I buy a game I want to be able to play it. It has happened to me quite a few times that when I bought stuff with drm they didn't work, for various reasons (wrong player/wrong OS/wrong country/wrong whatever).

    2. I want simplicity. I want to go online, pay and download. Until fairly recently there were no such options. All options available were Pay, hassle and hope it works (see above). The simple way to get things used to be piracy.

    The person whos posts represent opinions that are closest to my opinion(not the part of my opinion expressed above) are those of Chris.

    It is simply wrong. Simple as that. When someone risks his own time, money and sanity developing/producing something he is fully entitled to decide how it should be sold. If I don't like it I should look for an other product.

    Now, unfortunatly I do things that are wrong as well =/

    This game I have preordered for a few reasons. (And now that it is made easy I buy games, movies and music again)

    • I want to support the project/product

    • It will be DRM free

    • I want to play the game.

    So in conclusion, IMO piracy is theft, it is wrong, but I still do it every now then and the main reason is simplicity.

  5. Looks great, just one thing, there needs to be a picture of the soldiers weapons on the Chinook screen. At first, before you get to know your soldiers, it can be hard to remember what role every soldiers has when you have only their names to go by. And that is information you need to have when you place your soldiers in the chinook. I at least find myself having to switch back and forth between the soldier screen and the chinook screen. Perhaps the green icon representing the soldiers in the chinook could indicate which weapon he or she is equipped with?

    Looks nice i my opinion. I agree to the comment above as I am doing the same switching when I want to place my troopers in the chinook.

    I really appreciate the hard work and have a hard time waiting for the beta =)

    Keep up the good work!

  6. Hello

    My games keeps crashing on me quit often and I wonder how I can help with that..

    I played the game in normal mode and it crashed so I started playing the same saved game in debug mode and now I have a CrashDump.dmp file. Where do you guys want the file?

    Unfortunatly the game is saved after I landed and started the ground operation so I don't rememeber where I am or why I'm there... =/

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