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Posts posted by Simberto

  1. I shot an Ufo down very close to (overlapping on the map) my HQ (I think it was a corvette), then a terror mission popped up. I finished that Terror mission first by attacking the grounded terror ship. When trying to attack the previously shot down ship, the game crashes. The autosave at the end of the terror ship mission also crashes to desktop. Loading a savegame after the terror mission also crashes to desktop. This happened each of the three times i have redone that mission.

  2. As stated above, after fighting one of the 3 fighter air superiority groups i currently have a very high chance of a CTD. If i fight the same group again, i always get the same crash, no matter which of my fliers i send there. It only happens if i destroy that group, running away does not crash me. And it does not happen for all of those groups, only for some, but for those where it happens, reloading and fighting again always leads to the same crash.

    Edit: Apparently it does not only happen with those groups, some other groups can also be infected, the same thing just happened with a Bomber + 2 Fighter group.

  3. the ai needs some work, so far on every ufo i have had aliens just sit right inside the ufo, and they need to try flaking you and what not and i think the hidden movement screen needs to go just have it forces in on your guys and if some one gets shots at zoom to that guy so you can see where the shot came form

    Mostly, they really just need to shoot more. At the moment, they appear to run away as soon as they see 2 soldiers, which makes losing anything pretty hard even if you try.

  4. I pretty much just used laser weapons up until the very last mission. It was pretty obvious that Plasma was superior in the old one too.

    Do people really get upset that there aren't a bunch of zeroes on your currency? Wasn't pretty much everything's cost in the original pretty much a nice round number anyway? It's really hard to take someone seriously when they complain about something as small as this.

    Plasma was superior, but the ammunition costed elerium. Which was really rare. I used Lasers for most of the game because i didn't want to waste my elerium on ammunition. Especially when even if you fired a single shot from a plasma rifle that was a whole magazine gone, which in turn was 2 elerium. Meaning If you had 10 guys, each of them fired a shot, and you maybe even flew there in a Avenger, the whole mission already cost you 30 elerium. That could have been 1-2 flying suits if you had used laser weapons.

  5. At the moment, i think that the airgame is pretty much unbeatable, at least on veteran. I am at the end of october, and every few day about 3-5 single heavy fighters spawn. Maybe somewhere in between are some useful ships, but the problem with the heavy fighters is that they completely ignore my f-17s, which are also completely incapable of catching them. Thus i have to use MIGs, which due to not being able to barrel-roll always eat a missile to the face. Usually this is not a large problem, eat missile, be at 50%, kill alien, repair. But strangely enough, sometimes the one missile just instantly kills my MIGs. Also, there are so many fighters that i can't catch them all, so i usually miss the interesting ships that actually leave a mission behind, kill 3-4 fighters, and lose a MIG from time to time, and slowly bankrupt myself doing so.

    It is also incredibly annoying the alien bases and terror missions ALWAYS spawn out of range of my dropship. Having 2 bases would help with this problem, but i see no way to afford this at all, while still being able to down alien ships.

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