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Posts posted by The_Mess

  1. Incidentally, the Desura issues are being caused by the massive number of files in the game (the dev version has close to 120,000 now). This also causes ludicrous install times and the like. Happily, it would appear we've found a solution to the issue despite not having access to the source code of the engine. We can pack the files into an archive and the game can read them from there.

    We're still assessing how this will affect our workflow and limit the ability of modders to change the game, but at the very least we're going to archive the /units/ and the ground tile folders. This should reduce the file quantity in the game by about 2/3 and should fix the Desura issues and generally make the game more manageable. If it is problematic for our workflow, it may be that this has to be a gradual process (the first batch should reduce the file quantity by 50% or so, then we'll archive assets after we've stopped actively developing that area).

    Sweet, glad to hear it was straightforward.

    On modding - shouldn't be an issue as long as the archive file is able to be read and modified by 7zip/winRAR per games like Sword of the Stars 1 or sufficient documentation is provided for the community to build a suitable archive tool, such as with Egosoft's X games.

  2. I'm still learning the ropes of air combat (to kill off heavy fighters) so I haven't yet been able to get far enough to expand to more than 2 bases (so. damn. expensive.). Might end up modding the ticker though so heavy fighters don't spawn until I have a chance to get better weapon systems.

    @Armadillo - part of that ties into the XCOM game story, which isn't revealed until the end missions with the Etheral's exposition bits, particularly surrounding the squadie you send into the Gollop Chamber ;)

  3. Noticed this yesterday, but I'm still getting it :(

    I still get the Alienium post mission, but for some reason, there's no alloy at all from the crashed UFO missions. I suspect it might be a stuff up from unpacking the standalone after I moved the archive file though.

    Anyhow, if anyone knows what file governs the alloy amount per UFO, that would be great because then I can hunt for it and see if it's missing or the file is missing a line.

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